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Volunteer Window

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Volunteers are an integral part of every organization. Using the Volunteer window, you can keep track of:

  • Detailed Notes on your volunteers
  • Physical and other information in the Volunteer tab
  • Add the Volunteer Positions they have held and the hours worked
  • Keep track of the Times they are Available
  • Any Awards they have recieved according to the number of hours they have volunteered
  • Any Tasks that may have been assigned to them through the Facility module
  • To access this window, you use the Volunteer button on the Patron List Toolbar / Ribbon Bar.

    The Volunteer Window opens.

    Parts of The Window

    Volunteer Information

    This information is contained in the upper portion of the window. All information is taken directly from the patron information you entered.
    Detail / Notes This tab allows you to enter more specific information about the volunteer. Click here for more information.
    Volunteer This tab has adjustable menus and fields for additional information on the volunteer. Click here for more information.
    Position This tab lists positions the volunteer can perform. Click here for more information.
    Time Availability This tab allows you to set the times the volunteer is available or unavailable. Click here for more information.
    Award This tab allows you to see any awards the volunteer has received. Click here for more information.


    The Activity History / Evaluations is the lower section of the window and contains all of the activities the volunteer has participated in. Click here for more information.
    New - Clicking the New button allows you to add New Activity History for the Volunteer.
    Open - Opens the currently selected history for viewing or edititing
    Delete - Deletes the selected History
    Search - Allows you to search for a Play / Event to associate the history to.