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The Season Package Detail Events / Plays Tab

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The Season Package Detail Event / Plays tab is used for adding events to a season package.

Parts of the Season Package Detail Event Tab

Custom Package

Allow Event Removal Indicates if the patron is allowed to remove optional events from the season package during the online subscription checkout process.

Event Set Counts

Select Number of Events Select the number of events or sets of event counts required for online subscription checkout

Event List Columns

Status Indicates if the event is a mandatory event or optional event within the season package.
Event # The sequence number of the event.
Event Code The event code for the event.
Event Title The title of the event.
Year The season year that the event falls under.
Theatre Name (Internal) The internal name of the venue that the event takes place in.
Pricing Map Name (Internal) The internal name of the venue's pricing map that the event takes place in.
Adds an event to the list of events in the season package.
You can indicate which events are optional as far as the package goes. When the event is optional, the patron can remove that event online if they choose to.
  • You must first set the 'Allow event removal' checkbox in the 'Custom Package' section.
  • This feature has no effect for box office subscriptions sales - it is used exclusively for the online subscription processing.
  • You can see an example of a web page with optional events below, highlighted in red.
Removes the selected event from the season package. This only removes the event from within the season package and doesn't delete the event.

The following is an example of an online season subscription with optional events, highlighted in red. In the 'Remove' column, the optional events have the option to be removed from the shopping cart prior to checkout.