In the Manage Favorite Seats window, you can change patrons’ performances, seating locations or their pricing structure. To do this, you perform the following steps:
The Manage Favorite Seats window opens.
The Delete Confirmation dialog opens.
This removes the seats from the favorite seats for this season package. It does not remove the seats from the control house.
Select the desired Performance Code from the Series drop down.
Change the Desired Seats field to equal the number of subscriptions in the season package.
Choose the correct Promotion and Price Code for the subscription.
Choose the seat(s) for the Subscription.
The seats are added to the Seat Selection area.
The patron's favorite seats are updated in the season package.
This doe not effect the seats in last years control house. The patron's seats appear in the Subscriber Seats section of the window and they are shown on the map represented by a lower case s.