LYBUNT is an acronym for 'last year but unfortunately not this year'. I have no idea where it came from - yet it is prevalent in fundraising circles.
You can apply it in many ways to ANY DATA in the database. For example, Patrons who:
- volunteered the past 3 years, but not this year
- Donated every even year, but not this year
- Subscribed 4 years ago but not 3 years ago
- Lapsed donors who donated last year but did not buy a ticket this year
- This example is interesting because it was applied to different types of data -- the data file for the second criteria (tickets) is not the same as the data for the first (donations)
In Theatre Manager, to identify WHO falls into this category, we use a mail list with two groups.
- The first group adds people to the mail list using criteria from the past
- The second group removes people from the mail list using criteria from the present
In the the example below, a very simple data range has been used for both criteria. You can make the criteria as complex as possible, by including items such as:
- date range
- Multiple Campaigns
- Certain Giving Levels
- Address where the patron lives
- and more
IN ALL CASES, THE CONCEPT IS THE SAME -- add people matching data, then remove people matching other data to find out who used to be part of the group and is now not part of the group. Refer to editing mail lists to create your query to find what you want.

Variation: Removing all household members
Variation: Sometimes you may want to remove people if anybody in the household gave the second year. This means you must remove primary and non-primary members of the household (in two steps)
This is possible, but involved a small nuance to the remove steps.:
- Create an add step to add patron who donated, volunteered, purchased tickets, or what have you.
- Create the first remove step and indicate to remove Primary patrons only.
- Create the second remove step with similar criteria, except this time, indicate to remove Non-Primary patrons only.
When removing Primary FOLLOWED BY removing Non-Primary patrons, you will end up removing all patrons in the household.