Auto update means more, smaller, focused, and less impactful releases. The following indicate, by version, what the updates are:
Version 10.06.114 (Feb 20, 2017)
- A key philosophical change was made to the mechanism by which seats are returned to hold after they are released from a shopping cart or box office purchase. With this new mechanism, you will see more tickets set back on hold than in the past, until you manually remove the holds on unsold seats.
- All seats now track what the original hold code for the ticket, (if any).
- If a ticket is refunded, the seat is put back on the original hold.
- If there was no original hold, then tickets are returned to hold according to the 'return to hold' map.
- If you manually remove the holds and then sell the ticket:
- the ticket no longer has an original hold code and
- refunded at the box office, it will be available for sale (subject to the return to hold on the pricing map)
The intent of this philosophical change is designed around protecting subscriptions seats, development and other special holds - by making sure they go back to what they were originally set at. The upgrade needs to add a field to all tickets and may cause some slowness until the field is populated.
Version 10.06.110 (Feb 4, 2017)
- Re-implements all features of version 10.06.110 and removes any dependency on timezone in the cookies sent between TM Server and Classic Listener. Date and Time is no longer checked when Classic Listener receives a message from TM server.
Version 10.06.109 (Feb 2, 2017)
Revert Theatre Manager back to version 10.06.106 due to an issue at some venues with timezone on web listeners. This was causing cookies to be rejected due to age
Version 10.06.107 (Jan 29, 2017)
- Improve performance of searching for large lists of events in the sales window
- Add time zone awareness to the login window to show login times in local timezone, for multi-time zone venues
- Enable the maps tab on the event window as soon as a reserved seating event is added to the list of performances.
TM Server 0.97.22 (Jan 29, 2016)
- Add play image to downloaded PDF tickets if one exists for the event.
- Work around isolated issue of a zealous firewall preventing web servers from talking to themselves internally. This was only seen in rare cases when a customer tried downloading tickets to PDF. The TM server now makes a local call to the template server to get assets.
- Add capability to web pages to disable 'x' for close box on messages if need be.

TM Server 0.97.21 (Jan 24, 2016)
- Fix an issue deploying a new classic listener executable to a windows 64 bit server. This seems to have just arisen recently.
- The limited profile login screen online has been reorganized a little to make the options clearer for logging in using an existing id, creating a new patron or supplying a name/password
Version 10.06.106 (Jan 24, 2017)
- Fix a small oversight of building a mail list that contains all household members. A bug was introduced in 10.06.101 where finding all household members and finding patrons that matched criteria did the same thing.
- Add a new setting to pass/gift certificate setup to specify how the expiry date will be calculated. The choices are:
- Never expires
- Expires at the end of xx months after start of pass
- Expires in xx number of days from start of pass (new)
- Expires on a fixed date
- add a feature to the sale of a pass/gift certificate to specify the start date of the pass. It defaults to today, but you can now sell a pass/gift certificate today that will not be valid until a specific date. The expiry date is automatically recalculated (per above options) as the start date of the pass is changed.
- Improve the performance of producing pass related reports.
- Passes/gift certificates that have a future start date may not be used online or at the box office
- Fix an issue setting the subscription cancelled online
Version 10.06.105 (Jan 15, 2017)
- Add an icon to the pass/gift certificate list to indicate if the pass/gift certificate has an access card associated with it. This will appear on the list of patrons who bought a pass as well as the patron window showing the passes they have purchased.
- Access cards assigned to passes have a status in code tables - so you cna now indicate if the access card status is considered 'active' or 'inactive'. This allows you to suspend an access card for a while (by making it inactive)
- Improve the user interface/flow for entering/assigning pas cards to passes. You can now assign them directly from the patron's pass/gift certificate list or the pass sales window
- Merging patrons with a large number of mail lists should now be a faster
Version 10.06.103 (Jan 15, 2017)

Version 10.06.102 (Jan 12, 2017)
- Fix search for passes available to customer when trying to redeem them at the box office. The query was added in 10.06.100 and needed a little refinement.
- Show type of pass redemption on lists to aid in selecting a pass or gift certificate during redemption (eg usable by patron only, any house hold member, all patrons, etc)
- Improve messaging when building mail lists where there is removal of large numbers of patrons during the rebuild process -- the progress bar shows the status of the delete step.
- Outlet administrators can now load up plugins for their own venue and allow execution of plug in code from toolbar for those that are permitted.
Version 10.06.101 (Jan 12, 2017)
- Vastly improve the performance of building mail lists, some as much as 60 to 100 times as fast. In a particular benchmark over the internet under particular conditions, the time to build the list went from 25 minutes to 23 seconds. The amount of performance improvement you may see depends on:
- Network latency to server -- people accessing remote servers over the internet will see a large improvement in building most lists due to optimization of SQL
- Lists built for Primary Patron Only or All Household Members will see significant gains for all users
- Small lists will be faster, but the difference, while a large percent improvement, may only be a few seconds few seconds
- Mid size lists of 2000 - 10000 people will see larger gains, especially if they have multiple steps for adding and removing patrons.
- Lists with very large results (100,000+ patrons) will be faster as well
- Add feature to allow ticket import and enable the feature based on a new security setting for the employee.
- Add feature to allow specified people with appropriate security to run a plug in from the plugin window
Version 10.06.100 (Jan 9, 2017)
- Added a feature to the play tab on the patron window to show total tickets and/or total value of tickets for each event purchased.
- When paying for a purchase with a pass, the pass window will now limit those passes that can be searched on the window. The list will only show passes that the patron could possibly use - based on how the pass types are set up for redemption. Passes or gift certificates that are:
- Specific to a patron: will only show for the patron who the order is under.
- Available to anybody in the household: will show for any purchase made by any household member
- Available to all patrons as gifts will show if searched:
Ongoing changes to eliminate the distinct employee initials field on employee setup. All the changed by text fields are being removed in favour of using a reference to the actual employee's patron record. This means that if the employee's name is changed on their patron record, it will reflect as a revised initials or employee name on all the changed by fields in the database. This also means that:
- For most lists, you have the ability to view the employee's initials and/or the employee name that last changed the record - from the value in their patron record.
- If you need to provide an operator over-ride, the initials that you'll need to type are those initials from from their patron record. it will be first letter of first name, middle name (if any) and last name. In other words, the initials that you might have used (on the employee record) could be different today because they are based on the actual patron's initials.
- Deleting an email that has attachments will now delete the attachments
- Ongoing minor performance improvements here and there within Theatre Manager
Version 10.06.99 (Jan 6, 2017)

- Add a feature to the patron quick search window to search for merged patrons. If you type the patron number of someone that used to exist in the database, but was subsequently merged into another patron, the quick find will indicate the current patron and that the number you typed was merged into that patron. See example to the right. Tracking of merged patrons was first implemented for ticket scanning around version 10.03 in Feb 2015.
- When releasing seats on a subscription -- if you change the subscription package from Booked back to Not Started or Notice Printed, Theatre Manager will put the subscription favourite seats back on hold automatically so that they are visible in the patron's ticket window.
- Altered the display of subscription hold tickets in the the patron's ticket list to make the subscription holds clearer and prevent release of tickets or booking of tickets - since they need to be done through the subscription management window.
- Enhance display of tickets in patron window so that when subscriptions are booked online online, they will show more clearly as subscription tickets in the patron window.
- Changed web listeners to report being up and available even when web sales are marked as disabled for things like year end rollover. Essentially, web is working yet the customer will receive a message that it are unavailable. This is to avoid false positives from probes.
- Add support to plugin processing that allows free passes or gift certificates to be added to the order upon completion - for purposes of a benefit or pre-access capability if the patron buys something that creates eligibility
TM Server 0.97.10 (Dec 28, 2016)
- Improve API login user selection and setup when the employee could work for multiple outlets and may (or may not) be enabled to use the API at those multiple outlets.
- Fix an issue when showing events online that were setup in a different time zone that what the TM server was running in. This prevents a performance from going off sale earlier that it might un a timezone aware outlet.
- Improve ability of director to handle multiple databases within one TM server if the need should arise.
Version 10.06.96 (Dec 28, 2016)
- Add support to right click the plug in code to export it or copy it to the clipboard
- Fix issue in facility management to prevent error if notifying attendees that a meeting has been cancelled. This addresses a situation for patrons who have received the initial meeting message and need to receive the cancellation.
- Speed of searching for coupons in lists has been improved
- Speed of searching for sales promotions in lists has been improved
- The 'cant delete' message has been improved when attempting to delete a record that cannot be deleted if it has related records. It will not display ally relationships that have a record at a record number in that relationship.
- Improved speed of finding records that prevent deletion of a specific record.
- The grid lines on the theatre map seat setup have been made thinner so that more seats can be seen in the list at one time.
Version 10.06.95 (Dec 22, 2016)
- Change classic listener to respond to 'time' requests even if listener is set to disabled in company preferences temporarily - so that probes do not indicate that the web site is down. Purposely disabling a web site for activities like year end rollover does not really mean it is down.
- Add message to export function to explain more clearly if no records are found to export.
- remove separated 'changed by' fields from lists and replace with the actual users initials, so that if initials change for the patron, they will also change in lists
- Sometimes deleting a pass or gift certificate could not be accomplished in the case when a patron attempted to use the pass on some general admission tickets while shopping online --- and then decided not to check out the cart. If this condition can be detected while attempting to delete a pass, then the unused pass references will be removed from the shopping cart.
- The word processing window now shows the template that a letter is based on in the lower right corner of the status bar. This is for informational purposes only.
Version 10.06.93 (Dec 19, 2016)
- Enhancements for support of courses and duplicating entire seasons:
- Add a duplicate event wizard that provides a very fast way of duplicating a season if there are no real changes to any of the events or structure
- Add fields for minimum and maximum age restrictions for an event - this is intended for future use in class related sales
- Add minimum enrolment field for a class to indicate to box office user some course requirements.
- Disable all prior changed by employee initials fields for use as selection criteria in favour of using the method of selecting employees from a list. This was done for consistency on all tables
- Fix to allow merging of employees on venues with version 9.5 of postgres. At issue was how to merge employee window positions, so the decision was made to delete all saved windows positions from the employee that will no longer exist in favour of the employee being merged into
- Improve behaviour how an active/inactive search flag for projects works
- Added a field to the payment
Version 10.06.91 (Nov 26, 2016)
Now fixed: an issue was introduced in version 10.06.90 on the patron window - if no tickets were selected, the 'tickets button would not work. (workaround was to use the orders tab).
Version 10.06.90 (Nov 26, 2016)

Added a feature to show tickets held specifically for a patron in the patron's ticket list window. You will be able to see both tickets manually held for the patron and those automatically held for web sales.
Any tickets held for the patron appear with:
- a cart icon if the ticket was held on line
- a 'lock' indicating they are held
- the entire row in a cyan colour (blueish green) indicating they are held
- the future release date beside the icon to show how long they will remain held
- and hold notes that you put in place in the ticket notes/auction item notes column
You can now select the manually held tickets and buy them - which opens up an order window with the specific events selected. You can also quickly release them.
Note: Tickets put on hold by web sales cannot be purchased from the ticket list, you must go through the cart window and take over the entire cart, if the cart is still active. If the cart is not active, you will need to wait till the tickets are released.
Simply seeing web held tickets in this window serves as a convenient reminder while talking to the patron that they are currently or were recently online.
Other features added:
- When setting up ticket fees, allow events from other outlets to be excluded from the order fee in your outlet. Online, this means you can eliminate an order fee from another outlet.
Added a feature for outlet versions to show which data is shared amongst all outlets (i.e. the name and address info). If the fields has a little icon to the left of the prompt, then changing that field will change it for patron and all outlets will see that change. On the contact card window, since all fields are common across outlets, then a notificaiton appears at the bottom of the window.
- Improve error reporting on credit card authorization if a socket cannot be obtained from the operating system prior to sending the authorization.
Version 10.06.89 (Nov 18, 2016)
- The majority of the changes have been improvement to time zone support for AMS Cloud users. This includes
- handling transactions in multi timezone environment for end of day.
- adding support for time zone to all processes that load lists in the background - they now show the date at the client rather than the date at the server
- adding support for queries that involve date/time field and multiple time zones
- Fix daily address rollover and remove reference to HTML email property that no longer exists
- Update comments and help on mail to patron setting on company preferences to indicate that any promotion requiring a coupon at door will cause tickets not to print in the batch
- Update field description on sales promotion to indicate that using 'hold for coupon at door' in a sales promotion will cause the order status to become 'hold at door', regardless if the patron wants the tickets mailed. Thus, using this for an online promotion will make it so tickets cannot be batch printed.
Version 10.06.88 (Nov 15, 2016)
- Address an issue where adding a new employee (or changing the password on an existing one) and then trying to login as them might cause an editnum error
- Address a SQL error trying to send cancellations of meetings
- Fix spelling message at bottom of season renewal statistics report
- Allow delete of calendar items that might not work in some cases
- Improve reporting of edit checks and validations when saving a task
- correct a stored procedure that incorrectly referenced a field that is no longer available (that indicated user preferred HTML emails)
TM Server 0.96.29 (Nov 14, 2016)
- Correct a small issue where restarting all processes on the TM server might cause a version of TM which was being used by a user to also stop
- Fix cancellation of a task in theatre manager so that it would send out the correct iCal cancellation notice.
- Fix a potential issue where multiple classic listeners running on a machine might occasionally not be able to see default template pages while one (or the other classic) listener was being restarted as part of normal processing.
Version 10.06.87 (Nov 1, 2016)
- Improve the finding of patrons with duplicate email addresses to identify those who have the same email address entered twice in a single patron record
- Dramatically improve search when the user selects reporting criteria to find only non-primary patrons on the report window.
- Add flag to employee setup access tab to enable REST API when available (currently in beta test)
- Fixed an issue with notifying box office that they selling a performance just before the performance time - when the server and workstation are in different time zones. The system should not tell the user at the correct time instead of an hour or two early.
- Add support to allow use of postgres 9.6.1 or later in addition to other versions of postgres.
- Improve speed of some donations reports.
- The order date on new orders will always be the current server date - to prevent people accidentally setting them in the future and causing an EOD problem.
- The system now saves the ID # of the person who last logged in. Next time they log in, their name will be selected in the login list window.
TM Server 0.96.23 (Oct 28, 2016)
- Add fields to the database to support the forthcoming REST API Feature - specifically to enable which employees can access the rest API
Version 10.06.85 (Oct 12, 2016)
- Reports showing calendar data no show all task sub-types on the reports. The employee who is responsible for the task can now be selected as part of the search criteria.
- Restore use of the patron button on the transaction detail window to allow opening the patron directly
- Update spelling of patron in a couple of messages
- Fix issue of merging patrons that have 'asset' records associated with them
Version 10.06.4 (Oct 5, 2016)
- Fix a stored procedure that affected showing prior passes
Version 10.06.83 (Oct 4, 2016)
Add a feature to the duplicates search to support searching for patrons in different households that have the same email address. These people are problematic because they cannot log into web sales since the rule is that email addresses must be distinct in the database. When the duplicates are identified, you should either merge them (if they should be merged), or get rid of the email address from one of the patrons who should not have it.
- When logging in, Theatre Manager will provide an estimate of the number of patrons that might have duplicate email addresses. A warning will be shown in the notification window.
- Also when logging in, Theatre Manager will look to see if the company email credentials are ok, the employee's personal email credentials are ok, and (if the venue has facility management module), that the scheduling SMTP and POP3 credentials are ok. Email settings are deemed to be ok if the last time the TM server attempted to connect to your mail server using them, it was successful.
- Corrected an issue with flex pass redemptions introduced in version 10.06.82
Version 10.06.82 (Oct 3, 2016)
- Fix a problem in the quick buy sales process where a gift certificate or donation added to the order AFTER the order was transferred to another patron would remain in the quick buy patron account. Now the pass/gift certificate or donation will be assigned to the proper person. Historical data that is in error will be assigned to the correct patron.
- Company preferences->Web Listener tab has been enhanced to allow pasting of header, footer and cart completion tracking code into theatre manager - which avoids needing to change web pages when pixels/tracking code needs replacing or removing.
Added support for iFrames and content-security-policy headers - you can now specify which web site can include your ticketing site and prevent click jacking while allowing embedding of other sites (like tracking pixels>
- More performance tweaks throughout Theatre Manager, especially in Tasks and Facility Management.
- When redeeming a pass or gift certificate, update the rules in the pass lookup window to show fewer past certificates
- When redeeming a pass/gift certificate at the box office, the Print Ticket button will now change to if emailing tickets as a PDF is enabled
TM Server 0.96.21 (Sep 28, 2016)
- Add TM server support for the upcoming pixel/tracking code placement.
- Add support for xFrame headers and content-security-policy headers for web page browsing
- Improvements to the POP3 parser for reading scheduling replies for facility management emails.
Version 10.06.81 (Sep 29, 2016)
- Allow force and old shopping cart into a closed state if it happened to have a rare error on checkout that cause it to not complete fully. All carts are required to be successfully closed before the patron can be merged.
- On the payment window, limit the reasons to buy that are available at the box office to only be those that are marked for box office (or development).
TM Server 0.96.17 (Sep 28, 2016)
Add restrictions about viewing .DS_Store files if the TM Server is on Mac. It involved a change to the nginx.conf file and is designed to help those sites pass PCI scans. The .DS_Store files are considered security risk on a web server. This does not affect those still using apache.
Version 10.06.80 (Sep 27, 2016)
- Numerous performance improvements through-out Theatre Manager as part of ongoing enhancements everywhere, and especially facility management area.
- Change interface for web email and scheduling email/pop servers to indicate support for POP3S, SMTPS as transport mechanisms. Anything else will try to auto-negotiate STARTTLS for security
- Add donation solicitor as a searchable/exportable field in reports
- The order/transaction balance report now accounts for foreign currency payment and ticket sales transactions in the balancing process
- Only allow selection of staff/volunteer positions for tasks in facility management if there are tax rates and account codes set up - to avoid EOD notices down the road
- Add error message during EOD if trying to post facility transactions without tax codes and other posting accounts setup in volunteer/staff code tables.
TM Server 0.96.15 (Sep 27, 2016)
Introduced a significant meeting management enhancement to the TM Server for facility management. Now both outgoing meeting emails and incoming meeting responses are handled by the TM server. You no longer need to manually retrieve responses from patrons or staff by logging into TM. They will automatically update the meeting in the database in the background, 24 hours a day and let you know with notifications when you are in TM. Read here for setup of scheduling email/pop server.
In addition the ICS file was enhanced to be more compatible with recent standards, so it should work with more places. We have tested with iCal, Daylite, Google Calendar and iPhone/iPad.
Version 10.06.79 (Sep 22, 2016)
Note: if emailing PDF tickets causes Theatre Manager to stop, please re-install Theatre Manager - it will fix it.
EMAILING OF PDF TICKETS - is ready for use by everybody. Look at Company Preferences->Box Office tab to enable the feature.
- Added tab to view list of documents attached to an email. You can see this by double clicking on any letter in the letter list that has an attachment.
- Improve performance viewing the note and email detail windows from the patron letter list. Also add feature to preview the email or letter from the note detail.
- Revised the help and field description for SMPTS for email communication on company preferences. If the mail server is using StartTLS for secure transfer of an email, then leave the field unchecked as this protocol is automatically negotiated.
- The feature to check for email meeting responses (facility management) has been removed from the notifications window's interface. TM Web Services now does this automatically every 5 minutes and marks data for future display in the notification window. Making POP3 mail collection automatic for scheduling makes more sense.
- Address an issue on the promoter revenue audit report where discounting a ticket to be comp might result in a price of -$0.01 in rare cases where the base price was to the third decimal place. Also added the event title to the report.
Version 10.06.78 (Sep 20, 2016)
- Added file name for each PDF ticket attached. The email now says the event title, performance date and ticket number as the file name.
- Fixed issue where invoice emails would not leave the mail queue (regression from 10.06.77)
Version 10.06.77 (Sep 19, 2016)
- Added a feature when 'duplicating' a performance from the order window - you can now backdate the performance by up to one week if you are only duplicating a single performance -- and then sell it right away. In conjunction with that change, you can now set the attendance status of the performance on the 'review tickets' tab, if the performance is today or prior. The purpose of this enhancement is to allow those that sell touring events or pilates courses and do the paperwork after the patron has been to the performance - improves the work flow by quite a bit.
- More minor tweaks to the caching mechanisms to provide some slight performance improvements in selected windows.
Version 10.06.76 (Sep 17, 2016)
- There is a new feature for EMAILING PDF TICKETS from the box office. To use the feature
- Change your company preferences to enable it
- Sell tickets and print them as normal. If the feature is enabled, the user will be given a menu that
- lets them print tickets to a ticket printer as normal
- email the tickets to somebody in the household
- Optionally open the contact cart to add a new email (or revise and existing one) for the patron before sending the ticket by PDF
- Addressed a problem where an invoice in an email would be overlaid by the document sent with it. The problem only occurred if the following two situations were true:
- the invoice was sent to a with a word processor document attached -AND-
- it was opened by a patron using the mail program on Macintosh OSX. (Mail did not handle the HTML mail headers like other mail programs, so we put a work around in place).
- Setting 'volunteer-do it again flag' to indicate that if a volunteer indicates they no longer want to perform an activity (or f you no longer want them to), causes the activity no longer appears in any of the selection lists.
- On the patron window, the list of letters now has a paperclip icon to indicate if the letter has attachments
- Improve the plain text version of emails to remove some of the more recent html tags. All emails are sent with a plain text version along with the HTML version to as per requirements of spam filters.
- The web listener log messages for the checkout process have been clarified to make it much easier to read what happened - should a patron call back about charges on their credit cards
- Improve the locking process on checkout so that a user-double-tap on a 'process my credit card' should not result in two authorizations
- Add a work around for emails opened in Apple Mail which have attachments. They attachment now falls after the email instead of under it.
- Show any marching gift information alongside the soft credit information on a soft credit donation.
- Add support for redeeming passes online that have the redemption method use promotion. Previously, they could be used, but it would lock up the pas as being used online. Now it is released after use so that it can be used again for the duration that the pass is valid.
- Enable the 'save' icon on the word processor if the only action is to open the letter and change font, style or some other attribute of the text.
- Ongoing improvements to caching/performance of Theatre Manager
TM Server 0.96.8 (Sep 14, 2016)
Version 10.06.74 (Sep 7, 2016)
- Fix error on subscription seat selection - promotion is missing based on change to standard web page template.
Version 10.06.73 (Sep 1, 2016)
- The mail list telemarketing report now supports up to 4 phone numbers, each with the respective location printed. The primary phone is always printed first (with a *) after it. The other phone numbers are selected in the most recently changed. If a patron has more than 4 phone numbers on their record, then the oldest ones will not print (unless one is the primary phone which always prints).
- Fix an issue with how the date final payment made is calculated so that it handles situation where the payment is first and other items (like tickets) are added on a subsequent date. The 'A/R as of a specific date' report relies on this field to track when the order is considered fully paid and will provide better results.
- Improve restart-ability of jobs that might be running and the database connection is severed for some reason. The jobs will now re-queue themselves.
- Fix a condition where a sales rule has no promotion mappings and is used on a coupon. TM no longer generates an error.
- TM server is updated to version 0.96.00 with ability to introduce new database fields when needed.
Version 10.06.72 (Aug 30, 2016)
- Change the custom formatting of time fields within the form letter to work with timestamp fields.
- Fix spelling of 'performances' on messages when creating new performances in the event window
Version 10.06.71 (Aug 29, 2016)
- Minor improvements speed of to selling passes/gift certificates
- Minor improvements speed of to selling donations
- Fix issue displaying composite maps for reserved seating sales introduced in 10.06.70
- On the Venue window, change the sections so that the image area showing the pricing maps can be resized if desired
Version 10.06.70 (Aug 28, 2016)
- small performance improvements selling tickets from the order window
- add caching to the plugin process to improve performance of changing prices
- Large improvement to speed of duplicating passes/Gift certificates. Duplicating a single pass multiple times is now at least twice as fast
- Improve the test for a database replication server running on startup - to display message to user
Version 10.06.69 (Aug 24, 2016)
- Show IP address(es) that the customer came from on the shopping cart list. Generally, this will be one IP address per cart, but it could be more if the patron was using a mobile device and jumped cell towers or areas.
- Improve performance of getting control numbers for gift certificates where the number is generated by Theatre Manager.
- Fix display of balance on title bar in patron window
- Drastically improve performance of changing the status of a batch of 'Emails not sent' and deleting them
Version 10.06.68 (Aug 20, 2016)
- Improve cache invalidation for records that have changed -- to improve performance and liveness of the cache.
- Improve auto logoff for inactivity
- Add better diagnostic messages for posting facility transactions if some of the accounts were not set up under code tables for staff activities. This generally would only affect people who just purchased facility management module and did not set up account codes for each type of activity.
- Update standard web pages to allow bootstrap themes to come from either the local server or a content delivery network (CDN). The default is to use a CDN - which helps if outbound bandwidth is low.
- Fix an issue with purchasing passes/gift certificates online where there was no expiry date on the pass
Version 10.06.67 (Aug 16, 2016)
- Change the update checking process to use port 443 on Port 6181 outgoing is no longer required.
- Update some field descriptions for report criteria to standardize them with most existing criteria and field descriptions.
- Add some pictures for a patron to the cache
- Export of timestamps in Excel format no longer displays the day with a 'th' or 'st' after it (eg Dec 21st). This makes it easier to drag TM export fiels onto excel and have them open the dates without conversion
- Fix a locking error on a seat when a patron was trying to change their seat selection (online - on pick your own) and a rare kind of conflict arose
- Add feature to TM server to allow entry of a local DNS resolver service - needed only for rare setup conditions
- Add favourite icon to the director so that tabs displaying the status of a TM server would have an icon on it.
- Add a more robust mechanism for restarting the TM server to force any old processes that might be lying around to die quickly on a restart
Version 10.06.66 (Jul 1, 2016)
- If running the year end rollover, if TM discovers that transactions still need posted prior to doing the rollover, it will automatically open the end of day window so that the transactions can be created.
Version 10.06.65 (Jun, 30, 2016)
- Disable creation of some AP transactions to audit price changes - it was very slow for duplicating an entire performance.
- Fix TLS certificate paths for windows versions of TM server
- Reduce the amount of time for the director process to start
- Enable TLS encryption between TM servers so that intra-machine ip traffic can be secure
Version 10.06.64 (Jun, 22, 2016)
- Add more features to the data cache to improve performance of patron window and ticket sales.
Version 10.06.63 (Jun 18, 2016)
- Allow season packages contained within a combo subscription package to also be purchased as individual package
Version 10.06.62 (Jun 12, 2016)
- Change process of getting template web pages so that they are now deployed to disk -- and the web listeners can read them from disk. This makes getting standards templates faster as well as being able to auto deploy standard template page changes. Only custom pages need to be stored on disk now
- Allow option to validate the 'to' sales promotions on a sales rule
- Update the end of day settlement URL's to match the latest requested by (it improves their front end load balancer so that handles higher load of credit card authorizations).