Only the files/folders inside the WebPagesEN folder have custom changes in them.
Anything not in this directory uses the standard web pages which are deployed in special directories with each new TM server version so that we can keep things up to date.
Refer to instructions on customizing web pages
Venues using AMS cloud and GIT to update your web pages will do something similar, except the location of the web pages that have been customized are in your local git folder.
Updating Customized Web Sites
When a new version of TMServer is released, there may be some changes to the standard web pages. If so and you want the new feature, then you should make sure you:
- back up your existing web page folder before changing anything. Make sure you have a copy of everything stored safely and/or zipped up to prevent accidental changing.
- Download the latest web pages from ArtsMan
- Compare the standard pages to the customized pages and see if you want to include any new features in the standard pages in your customized ones using the steps below:
- Open the new htdocs folder that you just downloaded
- Find your existing WebPagesEN folder on your primary TM Server machine
- Compare only files that exist in the WebPageEN on your primary TMServer with the standard templates you downloaded and then:
- Make any page updates necessary to implement new features into previously changed pages -or-
- Compare all pages in the WebPagesEN folder with those in default WebPageEN using one of the free automated comparison tools to identify differences. Copy relevant changes from the files in the default WebPagesEN files to those in custom WebPagesEN folder