There are a four ways to set a suggested donation for patrons when sending out the subscription renewal notices. You can set:
- a specific suggested donation for all subscriptions - for example $100.00, which is set as an option when printing renewal notices
- a suggestion that is a percentage value of the total subscription - for example 15%, which is set as an option when printing renewal notices
- a different suggested amount for each patron - which is entered directly on the favourite seats subscription window.
- a custom value for each donor based on a calculation from prior donation history (which is described below)
Or, a variation on the above 4 options where you:
- assign something based on past history.
- then look at the bands of suggested donations (eg 100-125, 200-250) .. and then re-assign some donors a new specific donation that is a manual round-up or to the next giving level.
This would mean:
- running the process once to set the initial amount
- then re-running it for selected patrons to set specific amounts as much as you want.

Setting a suggestion based on Historical Giving
Option 4 allows you to select one or more subscriptions and calculate a custom amount based on past giving history. You can use this feature:
- as many times as you want to recalculate or replace any existing suggested donation
- differently for groups of subscribers so that opening night subscribers might use different set of criteria than the rest of the run
- to over-ride some previous settings for one or more patrons
To use the feature:
- Open the window to manage patron subscriptions
- On the bottom left corner, select one or more subscriptions
- Right-click to see the context menu.
- Select 'Select Suggested Donation for Subscriptions' from the menu
- The window that appears below will appear
- Make your choices as to how to calculate the suggested donation for the patron
- Click Proceed