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2. Match Fields to Database

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Step 2 of the data import process is to match the spreadsheet columns up with the Theatre Manager data fields.

Parts of the Import Data Window

The first step in the data import process.
Opens the user's operating system dialog for opening a file.
Delimiter Select the type of delimiter used in the import file. The two possible types are Tab Delimited and Comma Separated.
The second step in the data import process.
# A numerical order to the fields found in the data import file.
Column The column headers found in the data import file.
Database Column A list of the database columns in Theatre Manager to which the data import can be matched.
Size The size in pixels of the width of the column
Matches When a data import column header is matched to a TM database field, it is placed here.
Cancels the data import process.
Moves to the next step in the data import process of matching keys.