If you wish to remove a large number of patrons from a list and they all have a common feature, using a query is the best technique. It is the same procedure as adding a new group except for selecting the Remove function. To ensure that you are removing the correct patrons, place the remove criteria group as the last group to be performed. Click here to learn how to rearrange groups.
Click Here to learn how to open the window.
The Criteria Groups for the selected mail list are displayed.
The group selection dialog opens.
Select a file which contains data all patrons to be removed from the list have in common.
Using the Example List created in Adding Patrons to a Mail List Through a Database Query patrons with last names starting with the letter A will be removed.
The "Patron Data" file will be used for this example.
The Parameters window opens.
Click Here for a detailed description of the window.
The Add/Edit Parameters window opens.
For this example the "Patron Name-Last " field.
For the example use "begins with A".
The Parameters window returns and the selected criteria will appear in the window.
The Mail List Criteria window returns.
An Options dialog opens.
A confirmation dialog is displayed.
Theatre Manager will highlight each group as it is executed.
The Mail List Criteria window opens to the Who's In tab. Patrons with last names starting with the letter A will now be removed from the list.