Theatre Manager has supported 64 bit operating system since July, 2018 and now requires one.
TM 64 Bit History
- Mid 2017: Apple announced that it would be releasing Mojave in 2018 and that it would not support 32 bit applications
September 2017: advance notice was provided of the plan to migrate Theatre Manager to 64 bit, starting with MacOS.
November 1, 2018: the Three Thought Thursday described the intent to move forward and what might be required.
- November 12, 2018: Marvellous Monday Message indicating that the 64 bit deployment process was ready to begin in a gentle, managed process - you don't have to update right away.
- November15, 2018: Three Thought Thursday indicating easy want to adjust maps for venues who have already implemented pick-your-own-seats
- Dec 20, 2018: Three Thought Thursday containing a status update of 64 bit migration and how to adjust maps quickly and easily for venues using pick-your seat.
- Jan 1, 2019: 32 bit support extended till end of summer but most venues have converted.
- Sept 15, 2019 - last date of official support for 32 bit. It will continue to work (as long as your operating system supports it) but there will be no new features added. Features will be in 64 bit only.
- Jun 8, 2020 IMPORTANT: TM 32 bit will no longer run. The migration grace period is complete.