If available, uses the default search criteria for this report. |
If this report has previously been run, this button will add the previous criteria. |
Opens a list of saved criteria for this report. |
Saves the current criteria to be used later. |
Saves the current criteria to be used later and opens a dialog to name this criteria. |
Payment Detail and Summary Options |
No Payment Detail |
When selected no payment information will be printed on the invoice. |
One Payment Per Line |
When selected all payments will be printed on the invoice with one membership per line. |
Summarize Payments on |
When selected the payments will be summarized based on the selected parameter below. |
Payment Method |
When selected the payments will be summarized based on the payment methods field. |
Payment Total Options |
Show Payment Total Line |
When checked, an additional line for payment totals will be added to the invoice. |
Returns to the previous tab. |
Moves to the next tab. |
Cancels that adding of criteria and returns the user to the Report window. |
Completes the addition of criteria and the sorting of data, and
begins to generate the report. Click here for
more information on the Finished Report window. |