For a downloadable checklist of all of Day 2
Click Here
Install Updated Database
- Install updated/data imported database
- Review any imported data for verification of accuracy
Getting to Know Your Business
- Complete any ‘getting to know your business’ discussions from the prior session
Venue Maps
- Complete venue map(s) creation to a point where they can be used for event creation
- Cleanup of seat square layout (make the map look pretty)
Creating General Ledger
- Theatre Manager’s required accounts
- Deferred/Earned accounts
Data Preparation for Importing
Review the questions from the Arts Management Data Import Team that they may have on your data they are trying to import.
- Clarification & preparation of Events, Performances, Tickets, Mail Lists, and Volunteer information
- Some cleanup of data may be required in an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing Event & Performance information. This information will be required to be completed prior to importing any tickets.