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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation

Do I need to create an EFT file each time I deposit an EFT Payment?

No. You can deposit EFT payments at any time. When you choose to create the file, Theatre Manager will automatically include all the EFT payments that have not been previously submitted for transfer.

Keep in mind that there are limitations to past and future-dated transfers. If the EFT payment falls out of the date range restrictions set by the bank when the EFT transaction is processed, it will be rejected by the bank. Your bank will notify you of such rejections.


National Automated Clearing House Association - NACHA Layout

This is the format for the USA Banks using the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) for processing Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions.

Central 1 Credit Union EFT Format

Central 1 Credit Union Layout - 1464 character file format

Used by:

  • 828 - Credit Union Ontario
  • 879 - Credit Union Manitoba
  • 889 - Credit Union Saskatchewan
  • 899 - Credit Union Alberta

ScotiaBank EFT Format

ScotiaBank Layout - 105 character file format

Used by:

  • 002 - Bank of Nova Scotia / ScotiaBank


CIBC Layout - 80 character file format

Used by:

  • 010 - Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)

EFT File Format Examples

Most commonly there are five different record types that define an EFT File containing the EFT Payment transactions.

These record types include:

Donation Campaign Category

The Donation Category Code Table values are displayed in the Description Tab on the Donation Campaign set up window and are used to categorize donations for online sales.

items appear online in the sort order (alphabetical) and the external name is used to categorize and provide headers for each group. You can access various categories online using direct links in emails or web pages

Live Content

Refer to the web page Live Web Content for an explanation of the process.

Entry Zones: setting the order of entry for patrons

The order of entry is a way to help you manage the order of ingress of patrons into the venue. You may
  • want to seat people at the front middle section of the venue first, followed by aisle seats.
  • have a balcony where you can simultaneously seat people at the same time as the main floor
  • have a number of entrances where you scan tickets that let people fill in different sids of the venue without coming into contact with each other


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