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Version 10.05 - Pick your own and Web as a service

We've been hard at work improving the web services this past year and have some exiting things planned for future versions. This release notice is an aggregation of the some key things in the past year, most noticeably:
  • The availability of pick your own seats - which venues have been using with abandon since January
  • The Web Sales Module now runs completely as a service, so it starts automatically after machine restarts without attention
  • Auto updates simplify the process of keeping up to date with enhancements with almost no work and minimal impact to users and patrons.
  • And we now offer a hosted private cloud option if you prefer the servers to be at our data centre.
Theatre Manager has always been the most full featured integrated CRM for patron management, ticket sales, donations, financial accuracy and other administration needs. Since our focus is providing choice to a venue while constantly reducing the total cost of ownership, these recent efforts have focused on infrastructure and reducing IT needs (and the key feature we added - pick your own seats).

Watch our release notes and shortly. We have a sample site with responsive pages, with many thanks and contributions from some of our customers. They are being prepared for release to make it easy to update your pages if you want them -- or you can keep using your current pages if you prefer.

If you should have any questions or need assistance installing the latest version, please feel free to contact us -- happy to do it for you.

Version 10.01 - Released with easy Double opt-in mail list e-blasts

The Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) is coming into effect on July 1st and we've spent the past 3 months fine tuning TM to support the law.

Initial support for single opt-in came on April 5, 2014 - essentially a default was changed so that patrons needed to add themselves to the 'send me emails' button. Double opt-in features were added in mid June to version 10.01 in response to inquiries and deeper understanding of the law from seminars, etc. Opinions vary whether a venues needs single opt-in or double opt in. One things is certain, double opt-in where the patron confirms that they wish to receive emails is far stronger process and help ensure accuracy of emails.

Theatre Manager now has an even easier double opt-in process based on mail lists where emails are sent automatically to patrons and mail list status codes are change to confirm the double opt in status automatically - with limited work on the part of the venue.

Theatre Manager 9.25 Released

TM Scanner - Arts Management Systems Ltd. Theatre Manager Version 9.25 contains significant functionality enhancements as part of our twice a year plan to deliver major features and other improvements garnered from users. The major focus on this particular version has been requested improvements to the internet sales process and reduction of IT support time.

This means:

  • More features are available online (gift certificate/pass redemption, recurring payments, viewing volunteer/staff activities, promoting events not yet on sale online, etc)
  • A number of web pages were tweaked (particularly template files) to support the new web features
  • Implemented a far better 'forgotten password scheme' where the user actually resets their password instead of having the actual password emailed.
  • Addition of IOS based bar code scanners that can scan linear and QR barcodes. Depending on the IOS device you pick, it is possible to scan tickets in the middle of a field.
  • The eblast process now tracks when a customer has opened the eblast and records the open date within Theatre Manager - providing an improved life cycle history of the communication with the patron. TM has always supported recording how a customer purchased online and this augments the overall process by tracking complete life cycle from the delivery of marketing material prior to the purchase decision.
  • The classic listener and second generation listener have been redesigned to self update. This is an exciting new approach to help eliminate as much time as possible to do an update - it will just happen.
  • And much more...

Theatre Manager 9.22 Released

Theatre Manager Version 9.22 has been released. Since 9.15, there has been a concentrated effort on performance improvement of the web services and e-blast capabilities as well as feature enhancements. The suggestion is to upgrade at some convenient point in your current season - it doesn't have to occur right away.

The key list of changes since Version 9.15 are:

  • The second generation server is working very well at venues that are using it. It has addressed the vast majority of issues with email servers - (which have been changing rapidly recently in an attempt to combat spam and viruses). It has also improved performance of the web server significantly.
  • Dynamic pricing and changing of Venue Maps on the fly is now possible.

Year End Rollover and Extended Break Settlements

Fiscal Year End Roll Over
If your offices will be closed during the time of your Fiscal Year End (such as over December 31, for example), you may want to make Year End Roll Over (YERO) preparations before you close for the season that need to occur prior to transacting any business in the new fiscal year.

Theatre Manager 9.15.00 Released

Theatre Manager Version 9.15 has been released containing mostly feature enhancements. The suggestion is to upgrade at some convenient point in your current season - it doesn't have to occur right away.

The key list of changes are:

Theatre Manager 9.12.08 Released

Version 9.12 has been released as part of the support agreement. Please refer to the full release notes about version 9.12. All venues are encouraged to upgrade to this version due to some important fixes, especially if you are using windows XP.

Theatre Manager 9.11.05 Released

Ticket Trove - Arts Management Systems Ltd. Version 9.11 has been released as part of the support agreement. Please refer to the full release notes about version 9.11. The release is minor - but since it fixes an important web issue, all venues are encouraged to upgrade.

Key Changes in Version 9.11.05

This key list of changes are:

  1. Ticket Trove 1.02 is released on the app store with native iPad support and a feature that allows patrons to save their favourite venue.
  2. There is a new feature to help identify and automatically merge duplicate patrons
  3. There is very important web listener change to better handle patrons who might use the back button on a browser to look at old offerings
  4. The process of updating web pages has been improved to help manage future updates (there are no required changes for this version)
  5. Ongoing changes to facility management based on customer feedback.

Theatre Manager 9.10 released

Ticket Trove - Arts Management Systems Ltd. Version 9.10 has been released for all current users of Version 9. Please refer to the full release notes about version 9.10.

This release is a minor release.

Theatre Manager 9.07 Released

Version 9.07 has been released for all current users of Version 9. Please refer to the full release notes about version 9.07 and what it takes to install it


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