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Theatre Manager 9.05 Released

Merry Christmas to all!

Version 9.05 has been released for all current users of Version 9. Please refer to the full notes about version 9.05.

Key Changes in Version 9.05.07

  • Theatre Manager is officially certified PCI DSS 1.2 compliant. After months waiting in the queue for final review by the PCI council, one change was requested, implemented and final approval received on December 14th.
  • Facility Management continues to evolve in response to the feedback from the user community. Look for improvements in the look of the calendar, improvements in calendar filters, reorganized screens and more transparent integration between the Gantt chart and the calendar.

    This version also brings the initial implementation of estimating, invoicing, billing and posting to the G/L for the sales/booking of rooms, resources, and staff. During our day long internal staff training session, it became quite apparent just how comprehensive and useful this module would be to many venues.

2010 - December 2010 Newsletter

The December ArtsMan Chronicle contains a number of 'how tos' about adding Google Analytics to your web pages, mapping some patrons on Google maps and ad the hot seat analyser. We also welcome new venues to Theatre Manager.

it has been an exciting summer since the release of Version 9 and the latest version is 9.04.12. For any venue currently using version 9, we recommend upgrading to this version as soon as possible as it addresses an important issue where best seat searching could cause a web listeners to continually try to find seats on a nearly full venue.

Version 9.05 is in the works. It will have a significant expansion in the scope of the Facility Management module - and billing for events in your venue, including incidentals like staffing, resources, and consumables like coffee and refreshments will be available - all thanks to the feedback for those who are using the system. We appreciate your help.

Theatre Manager 9.04 Released

Version 9.04 has been released for all current users of Version 9. Please refer to the full notes about version 9.04 or read further for a summary

Key Changes in Version 9.04.04

A new feature has been added to allow you to spatially plot your patrons on a map using google. Google's static map API supports about 100 distinct points on one map. This lets you see where distributions of people lie. The picture at the right is from patrons on Poplar street in Memphis. The data was geo-encoded using Google's geo-encoding api.

This data can be accessed from the patron list or a patron mail list using the context menus.

There are two key bug fixes to support web sales.

Theatre Manager 9.01 Released

Version 9.01 has been released for all current users of Version 9. See the full notes about Version 9.01 or read further for a summary

Key Changes in Version 9.01.02

The key enhancements in this version are the introduction of:

  • A key fix to the web listener that deals with one possible security issue that should be dealt with as soon as possible.
  • an easy way to include google analytics code in your web pages and e-blasts.
  • the Hot Seat Analyzer that lets you find which seats are worth more to you and adjust prices accordingly

Announcing the 'Hot Seat Analyzer'

We have just added a feature to Theatre Manager's facility module that we wanted to do for a long time call the Hot Seat Analyzer. You can now easily analyze the frequency of usage of each seat and/or the value or worth of that seat to a venue under a number of circumstances.

2010 - June 2010 Newsletter & Announcing Version 9

The June ArtsMan Chronicle is now available for your reading pleasure. It contains a number of articles such as Rick Geary's kind and generous comments about Saratoga Performing Arts Center's very pleasurable experience as a large venue converting from TicketMaster.

There is also a cool example of how the Facility Management module can be used to schedule and notify your volunteers and/or artists of rehearsal schedules, where they should be, and integration with their own calendars. Introductory pricing ends July 31st.

Mostly, we are excited to announce the imminent release of Version 9. In addition to the many enhancements that you've come to expect, there are two key features.

For Immediate Action: Fair and Accurate Credit Card Transaction Act - USA

We would like to bring this to everybody's immediate attention. It concerns a story on a web site called Performink Online. After reading it, you may wish to take corrective action and edit the ticket faces for your venue.


Apparently, Harris Theatre in Chicago (they are NOT a Theatre Manager customer) is being sued because their credit card receipts printed the expiry date and their insurance settled out of court - even though no actual damages occurred to the customer. The article talks about how some lawyers have used this same law to target restaurants and other consumer outlets.

This is a US specific law is called FACTA - the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (non-authoritative link for more info) which has a subsection repeated below. There does not appear to be a similar Canadian counterpart.

2010 - CAMT Survey Results: Theatre Manager is used by a lot of people who like it

I’d like to share with you the results of a survey done by the Centre for Arts Management and Technology at Carnegie Mellon University. I’d like to thank each of you who responded to this survey as it is indicative of a tremendous vote of confidence in Theatre Manager in the survey's results.

Theatre Manager 8.24.00 Released

There is an update release for all venues running version 8 of Theatre Manager.

See the full notes about Version 8.24 or read on for a summary.

Key Changes in Version 8.24

Version 8.24 is primarily a bug fix release that addresses a number of issues found and change requests to the recent enhancements for facility management, Paymentech Orbital, online course sales, and online management of household patrons.

Theatre Manager 8.23.00 Released

There is a major release for all venues running version 8 of Theatre Manager.

See the full notes about Version 8.23 or read on for a summary.

Key Changes in Version 8.23

  • The web module now supports serving pages in multiple languages.
  • Courses/Classes can now be sold on line.


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