Under the Review Tab, a user can choose to review entire Batches or specific Transactions or ranges of Transactions.
Batch Review

A Batch Review allows users to pull reports of in-progress, settled or rejected batches. Choose between searching by Batch Number range or a Date range.

The Query Type determines the type of report that will result from the report query. Options include:

- Detailed Transactions - a report with specific details about each transaction in the selected batch(es).
- Summary Query - shows totals of the batch(es) without detail on transactions.
- Generate Detail Report - will pull a detailed report of the batch(es) in PDF format that can be recalled later in the Reporting area under Report Type.
- Generate Detail File - will pull a batch detail CSV file that can be used to export/import to accounting packages and is also retrievable later in Reporting.
- Pending Options - pull either a PDF report or CSV file on batches that meet the criteria and are still pending.
- Rejected Options - pull either a PDF report or CSV file on batches that meet the criteria and were rejected by the processor.
Transactions Review

Reports can also be generated for single or groups of transactions based on selected criteria. Except for the Transaction Status selection, the criteria are the same as for pulling an Open Batch report as described here.

Under Transaction Status, a user can choose transactions which meet all the selected criteria and are:
- Settled
- Pending
- Settled Sales (no refunds/credits will be included)
- Settled Returns (the alternate of the above)
- Rejected Items