The upgrade time from version 8.21 is very short.
This is a walk around install
The following changes have been made to Theatre Manager since version 8.21
This version of TM is approved by Paymentech to support their Orbital credit card platform. Orbital is a web based authorization process where TM sends special commands to a special web page based on merchant authentication. Connection to the web page can only be done with secure communication. It also provides a web interface for seeing your credit cards in your batch.
This is a fairly significant option that some venues may like to implement, but there are pro's and con's to using the gateway. The highlights of using this credit card gateway are:
We have added the core capability for XML export to BANNER (used at a number of Universities) in addition to flat file export. If this is of interest to you, you will need to discuss this with the development team to see if it can apply to you..