If you want to add an unsubscribe link to your email, there are a few of steps:
- Open your form letter list and find your email/letter to edit it
- Click your cursor on the place in the letter where you want your unsubscribe link to be. Normally it is near the bottom of the email, so you might need a few extra lines
- Right click to get the main context menu for adding items to the document
- Select Insert Word Processor Field
- From the context menu, select Unsubscribe from Email URL
- The field will be added to the letter and a window will open letting you edit the link name displayed on the letter. See below - changing the name of the link
- After saving the link, you may want to:
- Adjust the font name, size and/or colour if neccessary

Changing the name of the link
As the unsubscribe link is being added, it opens the window to the right. The text that is displayed on the email defaults to Unsubscribe URL in the name field.
- Name - Change the text in this field to be what you want displayed on the eblast
- URL - DO NOT change the field name.