When the criteria window opens, you can continue selecting or changing the criteria.

- You can exclude those patrons who have indicated they do not wish to receive mailings, by ensuring the appropriate Exclude Records radio buttons are selected and that the criteria reflects that information.

- To add any new piece of criteria, including a specific Mail List, click the New
- To initiate a merge based on an existing mail list, select the Criteria category Patron Marketing Data > Marketing Patron Belongs to Mail List.

- On the right side, choose the mail list of patrons to whom you'd like to send your letter.
- When you have made your selection from the list of Mail lists, close the criteria window.

The selected mail list is added to the criteria.
If you do not have an existing mail list, you could enter criteria to build a new mail list to use for this mailing.
The process is the same whether you're using an existing one or creating a new one. For more information on creating mail lists, click here.
- Click Done in the bottom right to start the merge.