The tabs available within the Performance Detail window include:
General Performance Information | |||||
Performance # | This is the performance number assigned by Theatre Manager. | ||||
Performance Date | The date of the performance. | ||||
Time | The time of the performance. | ||||
Performance or Series Code | The unique code which defines the performance. They must be unique within the event. It is really helpful if the performance code has the same pattern across events used in managing subscriptions. | ||||
Sales Method and Pricing Map | |||||
Sales Method | the method of selling seats used for the performance. This is typically either Festival or Reserved seating. Click here for more information on the selections available.
Note: you can change one sales method to another if there are no tickets sold for the performance.
Default Price Code | The price code that is most common should be set as default to save time at selling time. Click here for more information on price codes. | ||||
Pricing Map | The Pricing map associated with the Event / Play. | ||||
Alternate Pricing Map | This is used if after the first run of the play you need to switch to a new venue after sales have begin. This may occur if you require an extra venue to run the play or if you switch the venue to a smaller establishment to better use your seats.
Not valid for Reserved Seating. |
Template Setup | |||||
Template Performance | Indicate if the performance is to be considered a template. If it is a template, you can use this performance:
Template Description | If the performance is to be a template, then a description needs to be provided when to identify what you are attempting to duplicate. | ||||
Access | |||||
Access | Allows you to control what security levels have the ability to
Email Reminder | |||||
Send Reminder |
You can indicate if you want an email reminder sent to patrons who purchase to a performance. This email can be customized to each event or performance by duplicating and editing a web page, or you can use a default one.
Reminder in Advance Time |
If you do want an email reminder sent for any performance, then you can indicate how far in advance of the performance it should be sent. This value is typed in weeks, days, hours, and minutes format. Example values are:
Any ticket to the event bought closer to the performance than the email reminder time will receive an immediate reminder. |
Miscellaneous | |||||
Perf Type | This is a versitile, customizable code table field you can use to flag specific performances. You can use it for display on the web and it can also be used like the Genre flag for TicketTrove. It can also be used for reports to narrow down searching for specific performances. Refer to Performance Type code table for more information. | ||||
Notification | For selecting a workflow notification to be sent when a sale occurs for this performance. This it not normally selected, but may be useful for a special event or course. |
Tax and Budget | |||||
Tax Code | A unique tax code applicable to this performance only. Click here for more information on the Tax Tables. | ||||
Sales Target | The budgeted amount this performance is planned to bring in. This is a 'static' field and is not used in reporting. | ||||
Include in Annual Patron Statistics | Enable the check box to include the performance in the patron statistics tab summary that is calculated for each patron and shown on the patron window.
if you change this setting and:
Statistics | |||||
Quantity To Sell | The number of tickets available for sale. | ||||
Quantity To Report | The number to be used when the venue is considered 100% sold out. It is normally always the same as the Quantity to Sell.
When might it be different? The feature is intended to be used if you have a scaled house for actor equity purposes and equity lets you sell your venue at a lower size. You would be holding these 'standing room' tickets -- which equity has allowed you to have for overflow crowds only. If you need the extra seats, you then pay actor equity rates for the expanded venue site to use all seats for that performance. Online Availability is affected by this number
If you have a general admission venue where you should only have 300 seats, then you can set the available capacity at 350 and the reporting capacity at 300. This will limit online sales to 300. However, at the box office, you can 'oversell' the event - like airlines - based on your own calculated no-show factor. |
Include Web 'q' Holds? | Indicates how the social distance holds are to be included in the quantity to report online (refer to quantity to report above). You can:
Total Sold | A running count of the total sales for this performance. | ||||
Held Seat Count | This is the number of seats currently being held. For Festival seating you can input a new number to raise or lower the number of holds. For Reserved seating you will need to change the holds on the Venue Map. | ||||
Internet Held Seats | Additional seats that are being withheld from sale on the Internet. | ||||
Social Distance Holds | The is the current count of the seats held with the social distance hold letter. This special hold code is specified in System Preferences as the associated seat hold code. | ||||
Posting Status | |||||
Accounting Posting - Deferred Revenue G/L | If the performance has occured, then the posting account for the sales will be listed here. A sales posting of
Convert Earned Revenue Back to Deferred |
This can be done from two places
You will see the Convert Earned Revenue Back To Deferred button under the following conditions:
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Before attempting to do this process for the first time, you may wish to get advice from support and see one in action. |
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Create sales entries if you have made any recent sales to the performances.
-and then- Do not run the create sales entry process during end of day while rolling back from earned to deferred. |
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You can continue selling tickets at the box office or online for the performances you are intending to rollback. |
Be very careful with editing or setting up the accounts. If you do not adhere to the steps, money will get rolled back, but maybe not to the place you expect.
Note: only adjust the accounts if they were never right in the first place. If the accounts are right and the event was rolled over by mistake, skip to step 2.
On the Accounting Tab, you may need to make the following changes:
if you have made accounting setup changes, take a Screenshot of your G/L tab before clicking the button so you can compare the values before and after
If they are not, please contact support for assistance.
Settings for Outlet that Owns Tickets | |||||
Allow Selling Tickets - At the Box Office | Allows the selling of tickets at the Box Office. In the input field on the right, you can set the date and time that tickets are to be released for sale. | ||||
Allow Selling Tickets - Via the Internet | Allows the selling of tickets via the Internet. In the input field on the right, you can set the date and time that tickets are to be released for sale. | ||||
Patron can view Performance on Internet | If you want the world to know when performance dates are (including your web site and Ticket Trove), but you do not yet want to allow them to be sold online (and there is no definitive onsale date), you can mark the performance so that 'patrons can view performance online'. When this occurs, the event will show up online in the right place , but the buy button will be disabled and the user will be informed to call the box office. | ||||
Allow Tickets - As Pay-What-You-Can in Before-Event-Sales | When using the Before-Event-Sales function, this allows tickets to be sold as Pay-What-You-Can. | ||||
Status |
Permissions for Other Outlets | |
Allow Tickets - At Other Outlets | Allows the selling of tickets at Other Outlets. In the input field on the right, you can set the date and time that tickets are to be released for sale.
You can also specify which outlet will sell for the performance from the list on the right. Click here for more information on enabling for outlet sales. |
Festival Seating Sales Control | |
Sales Controls - Prevent Overselling | This field can only be accessed if you are selling using the Festival or Inventory methods. |
Subscriptions | |
Season Control Performance | If this is a Control house performance, the check box will be enabled. It also lists the Assigned Seats, the Subscription Seats which have been assigned, the number of Seats Renewed and the Subscriptions Renewed. |
Form Requrements |
Forms |
If the FORM itself is marked:
The forms that a patron has filled out are in the 'forms' tab on the patron window. |
Sales Availability |
Performance Flag | A special flag used to denote Performance. This is typically used for a plug-in for Web Sales. | ||
Default Purchase Quantity | The number of tickets the online sale will suggest as a purchase quantity. The user can choose any number, however you may set the default here. | ||
Maximum Tickets | The number of tickets that a patron can buy from the Internet for this performance.
If specified here, the maximum is applied across all carts. i,e,. the patron cannot buy more than XX tickets to this performance, period, whether in one cart or many carts. If not provided, the default is from the event or system preferences, which ever is provided.
Web Sales Stop Time | Number of minutes before/after the performance start time in which to remove the performance from the Internet. If nothing specified, it uses the default from the event or system preferences, which ever is provided.
Web Sales Stop Type |
Indicates whether the stop time is before or after the performance begins. Typically, you want the performances to cease being sold online before the actual performance time. However, there are a couple of instances where you might need to stop sales after the performance begins, such as:
Live Content Availability | The default time, in minutes, after the start of a performance in which a live streaming video will be available. If nothing specified, it uses the default from the event or system preferences, which ever is provided. |
Run Time and Notes |
Performance Runs (from) | The date that the performance starts. it is always determined by the performance date and time of start and cannot be changed.
The runs from .. through .. date is what is displayed in the event list online. |
Through (end date) | The date range indicating when the performance ends. It is defaulted as follows:
Over-ride checkbox | If the performance runs through date is not reflective of the actual class run time (or any performance of any type), click the 'Override' button and enter your own end date of the run.
This must be after the start of the performance. If you change the start time of the performance to. be ahead of this date,, the runs through date will change, regardless if it is set on over-ride. |
Performance Notes | Additional performance notes to be placed on the Internet for patrons to read. These appear beside the specific performance in the event listing on the web. |
Web Ticket Search, Selection and Display |
Web Seat Search Options | You can check/uncheck to enable/disable
Pick your Seat search options | pick-your-own seat search for this performance if it is reserved seating. Pick you own can be enabled for an entire pricing map and, by default, for the performance. If you do not want pick your own for this performance, then turn it off.
Web Seat Map Display | If you are not using pick your own seating, this setting indicates how you would like the map to display for web sales. You can show only the seats available to the patron, all others are blank, or you can choose to show all the seats, those that are taken have their codes masked or not, or a generic map of the venue. These settings can be used to override the settings made on the Setup >> Company Preferences >> Web Options tab. Options are:
Payment Settings for the web |
Final Date |
If entered, this represents the final date after which all credit cards will be accepted for this performance. Before that final date, only the credit card types in the 'accepted credit card' list will be shown on the online payment window - and only if tickets for the specific performance are in the cart.
If the patron has multiple performances in the cart, each with their own designated credit cards, then online sales will restrict the visible card types to only those that are available for all performances in the cart (i.e. it takes the most restrictive list). If the date is blank, then you cannot restrict credit card payments - and all cards will be accepted |
Accepted Credit Cards |
Click to select the credit card payment types that can be accepted online - if this performance is in the patrons shopping cart. A final date must be specified. After that time, all credit card types will be accepted.
Enable Post Dated Payments | Click to indicate of the patron can elect to pay for this performance using post dated payments online. | ||
Final Payment Date | If post dated payments are accepted, indicate the date by which all payments must be made. Theatre Manager will generate equal monthly payments for the user and offer them that choice online. |
Returning Tickets to Hold Status | |
Return tickets to hold for this performance | If a ticket is refunded, any seat with a default hold will return to hold status. All other seats remain available for purchase. |
Use over-ride seating map for this performance | Allows you to specify your own custom return-to-hold map to be used when the ticket is refunded. For example, you may want different holds on an opening night performance thank all other performances. |
Use default seating map from theatre | Uses the default holds on the pricing map when the ticket is refunded.
if you change the pricing maps 'default return to hold' settings, it only affects tickets being returned from that point on. |
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Please make sure that the design of your social distance pricing maps take into account which seats are normally held on creation of a new performance and which ones are specified on the return to hold map. |
Ticket printing options and e-ticket delivery for print at home are most often enabled and disabled in the Play tab of the Event window. You can over-ride the settings to allow them to be different for every performance.
For the steps on Turning on Print at Home Options at the Individual Event level, Click here.
Box Office Settings | |
Selections are:
E-Ticket Delivery | |
Selections are:
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The performance runs from and through dates are automatically calculated as follows:
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Refer to the web page Live Web Content for an explanation of the process. |
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While there are a number of streaming solutions and we don't recommend a particular one over the other (each has its benefits), the one that venues seem to like most is boxcast due to its variety of streaming formats. |
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Live content is available for all performance sales methods. This means that live content can be accessed by patrons with mobile devices during a live in-person show. |
Live Content Type | |
Content Type |
Which type of content will be live for this performance.
Video Service |
The video service provider that will be used for content containing videos. Supported Video Providers:
The length of time a live stream video can be viewed online after the performance date/time is managed at three levels. These consist of:
The software default allows for viewing streamed performances up to six hours after the date/time of the performance. Editing the Live Content Availability setting in the Web & Reports tab of System Preferences alters the default for the system. This setting can be overridden in the Event tab on a per event bases as required. In turn the Event setting can be overridden at performance level in the Web Settings tab of the Performance Detail window.
Examples of where the default setting might be altered include:
The Web Settings tab is located in the Performance Detail window. This is accessed by double clicking on a Performance anywhere in the Event setup.
BoxCast is a for-pay video provider capable of playing pre-recorded and broadcast streaming video
BoxCast (Video Provider) | |
Content ID | The unique BoxCast content ID. The content ID is inserted into the TM Web Pages. |
Show Description | Show a description of the video |
Show Highlights |
Aspect Ratio | The aspect ratio of the video that will be played. The aspect ratio is the ratio of height to width of the video. Most modern content is in the Widescreen 16x9 format. You can specify original broadcast TV 4 x 3 |
CineSend (paid service) | |
API Key |
Content ID | A unique ID given to your content by CineSend |
Use Landing Page | Use the landing page at CineSend that has additional links available |
Aspect Ratio | The aspect ratio of the video that will be played. The aspect ratio is the ratio of height to width of the video. Most modern content is in the Widescreen 16x9 format. You can specify original broadcast TV 4 x 3 |
DaCast (Video Provider) | |
Video ID | The unique DaCast video ID. The video ID is inserted into the DaCast API on the TM Web Pages. |
Aspect Ratio | The aspect ratio of the video that will be played. The aspect ratio is the ratio of height to width of the video. Most modern content is in the Widescreen 16x9 format. You can specify original broadcast TV 4 x 3 |
Vimeo (Video Provider) | |
Event ID |
The unique Vimeo video ID. The ID is a number, like 148751763 . If the Vimeo URL looks like then the Vimeo Video ID is the numbers 148751763
Chat ID | The unique Vimeo Chat ID. The ID is a number and letter combination at the end of the URL, like |
Aspect Ratio | The aspect ratio of the video that will be played. The aspect ratio is the ratio of height to width of the video. Most modern content is in the Widescreen 16x9 format. |
Vimeo supports both pre-recorded and live streaming content. In order to do truly private content -- content that is not also available on Vimeo's free, public website -- a subscription to Vimeo Premium is required. The subscription permits access to the "domain level privacy" feature which restricts videos playback so that it can only occur on your Theatre Manager website -- e.g. Important to also set Hide From Vimeo option on your Vimeo account to allow playback on other websites. More details on the various levels of Vimeo privacy, and their implications, can be found on the Vimeo privacy, explained website.
If you're looking for a way to save money, then you can use lower privacy options, but beware that doing so might allow ticket buyers to share the video link with other ticket buyers, and you might miss out on ticket sales.
. If the Vimeo URL looks like then the Vimeo Video ID is the numbers 148751763
YouTube (Video Provider) | |
Video ID |
The unique YouTube video ID. The ID is a mix of case-sensitive characters and numbers, like M7lc1UVf-VE . If the YouTube URL looks like then the YouTube Video ID is the part after the v= : M7lc1UVf-VE
Aspect Ratio | The aspect ratio of the video that will be played. The aspect ratio is the ratio of height to width of the video. Most modern content is in the Widescreen 16x9 format. |
YouTube is a very popular video streaming service. The service itself is free, but videos are always accessible from the YouTube page. It can be a good choice for events that are free to access -- where it's not a problem that the video is accessible from It's not possible to restrict access to only your ticketing website with YouTube.
. If the YouTube URL looks like then the YouTube Video ID is the part after the v=
: M7lc1UVf-VE
Video.js (open source video player) | |
Download Source URL's |
Streaming Source URL's |
Aspect Ratio | The aspect ratio of the video that will be played. The aspect ratio is the ratio of height to width of the video. Most modern content is in the Widescreen 16x9 format. You can specify original broadcast TV 4 x 3 |