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Calendar Toolbar / Ribbon Bar

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The Calendar is central to taks and Facility Management. The Calendar can be opened in the following two ways:

  1. By clicking the Calendar button in the Theatre Manager ribbon bar.


  2. Use the Patron Sales menu and clicking on Calendars and Tasks.

    PC Toolbar / Ribbon bar

    MAC Toolbar / Ribbon bar


Click on a link to learn more about the features.

Opens the Help file for Calendar. Click here to view the Help page.
Creates a new task. Click here for more information on Createing a New Task.
Opens a selected calendar item to edit.
Prints the selected calendar and criteria. Click here for more information on printing calendars.
Changes the Calendar View. These can be selected by clicking on the individual button on the ribbon bar for that view (Mac) or by clicking on the View button (Windows) for a dropdown menu of options.
Displays a popup menu where you can select the list you wish to display: Volunteers, Employees, or Patrons. This allows you to drag and drop into the appropriate places on the calendar.
Refreshes the window with the current filters. This may be used if someone else has entered tasks that you want to see.
Opens the Preferences window to change calendar colors and options. Click here for more information on preferences.