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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation

Tag Detail Window

Tags can be created and associated with a number of data records - and used for subsequent searching of data.

Parts of the Tag Window

Tag List Window

The parts of the window are as follows:

REST API accessing images

There is no specific API call to access images at this time where you can pull them down to a program.

However, if you would like the images that are on web pages, please refer to Accessing Images. With this you can show images that are in Theatre Manager on other web pages just be referring to them with the Theatre Manager build in URL.

Valid Play List

The Valid Plays tab allows you to indicate which events this specific pass/gift certificate can be redeemed for. Leave the list blank to restrict the events to anything specified on the pass type.

Note the following general rules:

Duplicating One or More Events

Clicking the duplicate button to copy events will show a sub menu where you can:

REST API Query Parameter

You can retrieve records using a query that contains one or more search terms by adding a single parameter q= to the api endpoint. Overall the syntax of the q= parameter is shown below and is explained afterwards. A query is:
  1. a condition which is a field name followed by a ':', followed by the search value, with or without quotes.
  2. multiple conditions can be used by putting a '+' between each of them

REST API Top Level Endpoints

When you see the window below, you have successfully accessed the API. This shows a list of the endpoints -- which is a URL that:
  • will give you specific information that relates to the link. eg there is a patron end point that provides information about the patron and a ticket end point that focuses on ticket information
  • can be modified to only select specific columns
  • can have a sort order provided and data will return in that order
  • can have a query provided to only select data that you want

Using the Pass/Gift Certificate lookup

Use the patron lookup to search for the membership by the patron's name or to look up a different patron if the membership was received as a gift.

When a membership is selected and the Select button clicked or the control number is manually entered it's details will appear in the Membership Payment window.

Rules for showing anything in the lookup list


The gender table contains the following genders as a minimum. You may add more if there are options that you need for your venue. For example, we have heard that some students are now indicating that the 'Prefer not to Say'.


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