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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation

DonorSearch Results Second Tier

Second Tier displays the important information about the donor.

DonorSearch Results Primary Tier

Primary Tier displays the essential results to be used in reviewing the donor's analysis. This information is suggested be referenced when building mail lists for prospects for your donation campaigns.

DonorSearch Analytic Results Detail Window

The DonorSearch Analytic Results Detail Window displays all of the analysis results from DonorSearch on your patron.

DonorSearch View Analytic List Window

The DonorSearch Analytic Results List window displays the retrieved/downloaded analytic analysis for your organization. From this window your able to continue your analysis of your potential and existing donors as you manage their movements through your donation campaigns.


Volunteer Marketing Tab

The marketing tab on the Volunteer Window contains the same information at the marketing tab on the Patron window - the information is repeated here for ease of entry. Changing data in either window results in the same changes to the database.

Set seat-tip Format for SVG Map

The SVG map can have some interactive intelligence built into it to assist patrons during online purchasing. For example, tips can be displayed when rolling over seats which display the seat location and any notes about the seat such as ADA or limited sight lines. This data comes from the Seats Names tab and you can format it as you wish in the 'SVG Map Tooltip Format' field on the diagram.

Get Function

There are three Get functions related to a patron's address from the Address Tab. The Get function can also be used through the Patron Contact List Window. These are helpful actions within Theatre Manager related to patron data that is commonly used.

Address Functions

When a Patron's address is highlighted from the Address Tab several additional functions are available setting column Preferences, Add, Open or delete a patron address, Export, Get Google Map and Geocode Address.

Patron Contact Card - Scheduled Changes

Scheduled Changes Window

This window displays a list of address and contact change schedules. A patron may have more than one address where they reside during different times of the year. For example they may have a summer home and would like to receive mailings at their summer home from June to September. An address can be schedule to change from their permanent to their summer address and then back to their permanent address in September.

Patron Contact Card - Tool Bar

Parts of the Contact Card Tool Bar

The Tool Bar has many helpful function buttons.


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