Teamviewer has a fairly liberal usage policy. For non-commercial use, you can
download a full version of the application onto your computer and use it for free.
If you use it for free and you use it often, you may get prompted by the software that it thinks you are using it for commercial purposes. Unless you buy a licence (like ArtsMan has), you may see time limited or restricted use. We see this message rarely, but we have seen it.
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Teamviewer is great for remote access and work at home.
However, If you want to set up a remote box office, use a VPN, Remote Desktop, or a locally installed version of TM with a VPN in order to get ticket printing
How to use Teamviewer
If you want to use it for remote access, you will need to:
- Download a full version of Teamviewer onto a machine in your office and install it. If you want multiple remote accesses to be available, you will need to install in on multiple machines. We suggest using WORKSTATIONS for this purpose - do not install it on your servers for ongoing remote access - it is considered a security risk
- Configure the above installation of teamviewer with a permanent password - make it longish, use special characters, numbers, letters, etc. you may, or may not want to allow file transfers.
- Record the ID and the permanent password
- Download a full version of Teamviewer onto your laptop or machine at home
- use the version from home to connect to the ID and password you recorded above
- Use Theatre Manager and the rest of the machine as you normally would
Some Notes about Teamviewer use
- Teamviewer is a great option as it does not require a configuration change to be made in your firewall appliance. You just start it, and it works
- However:
- You cannot share printers using teamviewer, so printing tickets is not possible remotely
- You cannot share disks, although you can use a file transfer tool to move files to/from one machine to the other