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Adjusting reporting capacity to limit online sales

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To help manage online sales based on reporting capacity, the lower part of the map window shows current physical capacity, reporting capacity, sold, held totals and the number remaining that can be sold online.
To limit online sales and monitor the process:
  1. Adjust the reporting capacity on each performance to fine tune online sales within a venue.

    For example, if you only ever want 100 tickets sold online for a performance, change the reporting capacity to 100. Once the

    total tickets sold + total tickets held >= reporting capacity

    You will be unable to sell any more tickets online where the event will look sold out, even if there are physical seats that are available which could be sold at the box office.

  2. Monitor your sales process from the box office window (Which will clearly state when there are helds only left) or from the event map window below which indicates similar information.

    The remaining seats indicate how many more seats can still be sold online. When it is negative, online sales are prevented because you have reached reporting capacity, even if there are seats left that could be sold to the performance. They cannot be sold online unless you adjust the reporting capacity (see step 1).

    You may want to

    • Start with a reporting capacity that allows seats to be sold. Don't forget to add house 'helds' to your capacity at the start
    • As total sold gets closer to your desired capacity, you may want to lower the reporting capacity to restrict seats more tightly

    In the example, you can see sold totals , helds and reporting capacity on the event map window..