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Edit tmtermsandconditionsSpecialAnnouncements.html

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The instructions assume you have downloaded the latest pages so you can customize them. Please download if you have not done so.
  1. Copy the file tmtermsandconditionsSpecialAnnouncements.html from the sample webpages TMtemplates folder and put it into the same place in your website
  2. Edit the file which will look like the code below
  3. Add in the new line highlighted in yellow. You can copy and paste it
  4. Save the File
<!--#include virtual="tmFee/tmBoxOfficePolicyCovid19.html" -->

<!-- comment: place any special/topical announcements/policies here. Eg: Covid 19
Special Announcements
<div class="alert alert-warning fade in">
<!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmMessageDismiss.html" -->
Watch this space for any special policies.