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Printing Raffle Tickets

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  1. Select the File >> Reports Menu or click the Reports Button in the main Theatre Manager toolbar / ribbon bar.

    The Reports Window opens.

  2. Select Ticket Printing, Invoicing and Inventory Analysis Section and then Print Raffle Tickets Report.
  3. Click Print

    The Parameters for Raffle Tickets Window opens.

    • You must pick a ticket face that is based on tickets and has ticket information on it
    • The ticket number that will print is the ticket number field on the ticket face
    • Only the fields that are shown below will substitute on the ticket face. Any other specialized information must be hard coded on the ticket face

  4. Enter all of the applicable information.
  5. When complete, click the Done button.
  6. Confirm your Printer Setup,

    Click Here for more information.

  7. Click OK/Print on your Printer setup Window.

    The Raffle Tickets will be printed.