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How To

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  • How-To guides can be thought of as recipes, directions that guide the reader through the steps to achieve a specific end

Deleting Invoice Comments

  1. Open the Invoice Comments window.

    Click here to learn how to access this window.

  2. Select the comment to delete.

    Single click on a comment to select it.

  3. Click the Delete button.

    A Delete confirmation dialog opens.

Adding Invoice Comments

To Add invoice comments, you perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Invoice Comments window.

    Click here to learn how to access this window.

  2. Click the New button.

    The Invoice Comment Detail window opens.

Setting or Removing a Default Value

Some code tables allow setting up a default value to be used when inserting a new record into Theatre Manager. For example, if the salutation code table had a default value of "Mr. and Mrs." This feature reduces the amount of time it takes to input information into Theatre Manager. Values that do not change each time a new record is inserted can be predefined.

Setting a Default

  1. Select the value from the appropriate code table.

    Single click the value to highlight it.

Reloading Table Values

When you launch Theatre Manager, the current values from the Code Tables are loaded into memory. Adding new values or editing existing values does not reload the values stored in memory for other employees currently logged onto Theatre Manager. To see any changes made, all users need to re-launch Theatre Manager to see all changes made by other users updated in memory.

To reload all the changes made to the code tables, you need to perform the following steps:

Merging Code Table Values

Merging Code Table Values can take some time as it depends on how many values you are merging and the number of times they have been merged. Make a backup of your database before you perform a merge on code table data. Click Here to learn how.

  1. Select the values that you would like to merge.

Inserting Values

To insert a value into an existing code table, you perform the following steps:

  1. In the left column of the Code Tables Data window, highlight the table you want to insert a new value.
  2. Click the New button in the Code Tables Data window ribbon bar.

    The Code entry dialog opens.

Editing Values in a Code Table

You can edit the value of a entry in a code table but by changing it you will be changing all records which used the previous value.

  1. Double Click the value you would like to edit.

Deleting Values

To determine if you can delete data from a code table, check the Delete Button. If the button is inaccessable (greyed out) no data can be removed from the table. Once a code has been assigned to a record it cannot be deleted. If you want to prevent further use of an value, and you can not delete it, disable it. Click here for more information in changing the status of a vaule.

To delete a value, you perform the following steps:

Deleting a Payment Type

If a payment type has been used, it cannot be deleted.

If you wish to discontinue a payment type, disable it. Click here to learn how.

To delete an unused payment type:

Changing Value Status

Changing the status of a code table value is a good way to remove a value from use temporarily.

To change the status of a Code Table value, you perform the following steps:
  1. Select the Code Table and Table Etrey value you would like to change the status of.


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