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How To

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Delete a Venue / Theatre

Click here, for quick reference information for Venues and Maps

You may need to be deleted from the database. To delete a venue, you perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Venue List window and highlight the Venue to be deleted.

Merging Venues / Theatres

Click here, for quick reference information for Venues and Maps

Two or more venues can be merged together. This should be done if they occupy the same physical space and are really just alternate pricing maps for the same place.

The process is to:

Altering Existing Map Image

You may want to export a graphic file that has already been imported in Theatre Manager for editing.

  1. Theatre Maps is accessed through the Setup >> Theatre Maps menu.

    Alternatively you can click on the theatre maps button from the Theatre Manager main toolbar / ribbon bar.

    The Theatre Map List window opens.

Transfer Tickets after they have been Sold

  1. Find the incorrect patron which the ticket were sold to.

    Click here to learn how to find patrons.

  2. Click the Order tab.

    This displays all the orders that have been made under the patron's number.

Transfer Tickets in the Middle of an Order

  1. Select the seats the patron would like to purchase.
  2. Click the Transfer button.

    The Transfer Order Window opens.

    From this window, you can choose the following options:

Determining the color of sold seats on a map

In the creation of the graphic map, the image is actually performing many roles which are:

Locating a patron's seat sold by another outlet

In the Outlet version of Theatre Manager, you may need to know where a particular patron is sitting to accommodate a seating request for a new buyer. In the attached picture, where you are selling tickets for somebody, they may say, 'I want to sit with Fred.'

To locate seats sold to a particular patron, you perform the following steps:

Adding Volunteer Duties

To set up volunteer activities, you perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Setup >> System Tables >> Code Tables and scroll down to select Volunteer Activity.

  2. Click the New button to open the Volunteer Activity Insert window.


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