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How To

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  • How-To guides are aimed towards users, Tutorials are aimed towards learners
  • How-To guides in your documentation helps frame the picture of what your product can actually do
  • How-To guides can be thought of as recipes, directions that guide the reader through the steps to achieve a specific end

Resizing images to fit into Theatre Manager

Pictures require a lot of disk space to store them, and todays cameras have ever increasing 'mexapixel' ratings. Similarly, snapshots of a desktop with millions of colours results in large sized images. While images with high resolution are ideal for printing beautiful snapshots, they are not practical for storage in database applications for the following reasons:

Cleaning Up Data

It is very important that each column of data contains the same type of data, otherwise importing the data file would provide disastrous results. The import process will simply import whatever is in that column into that field in the database. For example, the 'Company' column should only contain Company names. If it does not, the import may end up with last names in the first name or addresses in a company name. Each patron would have to be deleted and the import would have to be started again.


Data needs to be prepared before it is imported. You need to:
  • Look at the data to import in a tool (like Excel) and adjust the data so columns are consistent.
  • Add column headers for each data item.
  • Use special names for those column headers, especially if the column can be used to match records during the import and replace data in the database.

Methods to Add Patrons to a Mail List

There are 7 methods where a patron can be added to a mail list.

6 of these are described on the following pages. The additional method is to randomize an existing mail list:

Setting Patron Salutation As Mandatory On Patron Insert

To make the salutation a mandatory field whenever a new patron record is created:
  1. Go to Setup >> System Tables >> Code Tables.
  2. Scroll to Patron Salutation.

    A blank salutation is set as a default by Theatre Manager. The default value in a code table is marked with a dot to the left of the entry.

Viewing Gifted Tickets

There are multiple ways to view gifted tickets.

There is a column called Gift Status in the Tickets Tab of the purchaser's Patron Window that shows Gifted Tickets:

And the same column in the receiver's Patron Window shows:

The Household view shows more Gifted Tickets detail:

Gifting Tickets From the Patron Window

Tickets can also be gifted after purchase from the patron window. To gift a ticket from the patron window, you perform the following steps:
  1. Select the patron who purchased the tickets from the database.

    Click here for more information.

  2. On the Tickets Tab, highlight the ticket(s) to be gifted and right-click or control-click to bring up the Context menu.

Gifting Tickets During Purchase

Tickets can be gifted to another household member or another patron during the initial ticket sale. To gift a ticket, you perform the following steps:

  1. Add or select the purchaser in the database.

    Click here for information on finding a patron in the database.


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