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How To

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Performance Field #1

Performance Field #1 is a customizable drop-down field used to describe a performance.

For example, you could call it Performance Type and populate it with genre descriptions like Comedy, Drama, or Musical.

You can use the Performance Field #1 in the Course module, to classifying Course Types.

Adding A Class - Step Three

In Step Three, you are presented with a Calendar View of the Classes in the Course.

Adding A Class - Step Two

In Step 2, you setup the pattern for the course. In this example, the course is running 1 day per week for 20 weeks at 4:30 pm.

  1. In Step Two, you set the date of the first session of the Course.

    You can use the calendar lookup to the right of the data field to help choose the correct date.

Adding A Class - Step One

When you first enter the Adding Performances window, you need to chage the default sales method to set up courses.

To add a class, you perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the number of Classes that will fall under this Course.

    In this example - 20.

  2. Select "Course" as the Sales Method.

    When "Course" has been selected, you will be given an option to either:

Enabling Course Promotions

Promotions, like Price Codes, are set in Courses the same way they are set for Plays or Events.

To set the price codes for your course, you perform the following steps:

  1. In the Play window, click the Promotions tab.
  2. On the left side, highlight the Course to populate the promotions for that Course in the list on the right.

Setting Course Pricing

You set course pricing the same way Price Codes are set for any other Play or Event.

To set the price codes for your course, you perform the following steps:

  1. In the Play window, click the Pricing tab.

  2. On the left side of the window, highlight the course.

    This enables the Price Codes on the right for editing.

Adding Course Performances (Classes)

To add Performances (or Classes) to your Course, select the Performance tab of the Plays and Dates window.

  1. Click the New button.

    The Performance Wizard opens, beginning with Step One (details begin on the next page).

Course Accounting Information

The Accounting Tab information is the same as for any other Play or Event.

For more information about the Accounting Tab, click here.

You may want to set up specific liability and income accounts in your Chart of Accounts to correlate to course revenues. To read about adding accounts to your G/L, click here.

Changing Seat Names

Making changes to the Seat Names file of existing maps used for events either active or past may affect the tickets sold in terms of placement. Prior to making edits to "live" maps, please contact Arts Management Systems support at .

Setting up a Course

Courses are set up in Theatre Manager just like any other event - in the Plays Window.

Your version may have been changed from the default "Plays" to "Events" or another similar title.

To set up a course, you perform the following steps:

  1. Chose Main Theatre Manager menu item Setup >> Plays.



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