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How To

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Auction Item Sales

The sale of auction items is similar to selling a ticket to a festival event. However, followint this process, you can enter the retail price and a description of the item sold to the patron.

You will first need to have an event set up in Theatre Manager to sell the Auction Items.

Refer to Setup for more information.

To sell an auction item, you perfiorm the following steps:

Unprint Batch of Passes

The Unprint Batch of Passes function allows for the 'Printed' flag to be removed from passes (Memberships, Gift Certificates, Vouchers) so that they can be printed again. This is helpful when a batch of passes needs to be reprinted. To access the Unprint Batch Of Passes function:

From the main menu bar, select Setup >> Batch Functions >> Unprint Batch of Passes.

The Unprint Batch of Passess window opens.

Delete a Credit Card

  1. Open the Credit Card tab.

    The Credit Card tab is located on the Patron Window.

  2. Select a credit card.

    Select a credit card by single clicking on it.

Creating Offsetting Payments to Clear A/R Balance

Theatre Manager uses a process called "Invoice Matching" in its accounting. This means each invoice (order) needs to balance to itself.

If you refunded tickets on one order (creating a credit balance to the patron), but purchased tickets in another order (creating a debit balance from the patron), then the orders are unbalanced. The patron account may appear good, but the orders within the patron record are unbalanced. This is why it is important to keep edits to an order within the order itself, and not create a separate order.

Adding a Fee to an Order

To add a fee to an order, you perform the following steps:

    li>Find the Order you want to add the fee to.
  1. Click on the Orders Tab in the Patron Window.

    Select the order single clicking on it.

  2. Click the Open button.

    The Order Window for the selected order opens.

Add New Credit Card

Credit Cards can be used for a number of purposes., including thise designated by the patron. These can include 'Subscription Auto Renewal' or 'Keep Forever'. Once a card has been used, a count of the number of times it is used is retained. This is the number of payments records with this credit card number on it.
  1. Open the Credit Card tab.
  2. Click the New button.

Remove Linked Address

  1. Open the Patron Window.

    Click here for information on opening the Patron Window.

  2. Click the Address in the patron window.
  3. Click the Contact Card button.

    The contact card opens.

Link Another Address

  1. Open the Patron Window.

    Click here for information on opening the Patron Window.

  2. Click the Address in the patron window.
  3. Click the Contact Card button.

    The contact card window opens.

Donations - Set Donation Name

To start, you click the Name button.

The Set Donation name dialog opens.

Step 1. You are about to change the donor Name and the corresponding Sort name for the selected donation. Select the name you want to change it to.

Changing Column Order of a List

In any window in Theatre Manager that displays a list of records in a series of columns of information you can adjust the order in which the information is displayed. This allows you to customize the information in this window to your specific needs and will be retained as your user preference.

Click [and hold] on the header of the column you wish to relocate and with your mouse drag the column left or right to the desired position.


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