There are 3 circumstances where accessible seating may be released for sale:
- all non-accessible seats have been sold
- all non-accessible seats in a specific area have been sold, so accessible seats in that area may also be released
- all non-accessible seats in a designated price category have been sold, so remaining accessible seat can no be released to the public
If you do hold seats that are released periodically, you will also need to hold accessible seats in proportion to the public seats that are held back. (eg, if you hold 10% of a house for later, you need to hold 10% of the accessible seats). The interpretation of the act is very specific that the venue can exclude from the held count those seats count held for promoters, actors, and others held under contract.
Implementing in Theatre Manager
Implementing this in Theatre Manager is quite straightforward.
If you do hold seats for the public, then you must also hold the proportion of accessible seats. Run the ticket inventory report called Ticket Hold Counts-Quick to help determine total counts. This report may exported to excel or copy/pasted to excel and proportional calculations run.
- If you periodically release seats, check your house and release the ADA seats at the same time, in proportion.
- If you do not hold any seats (other than those promoter, actor, contracted seats, etc seats mentioned above), then you don't have to hold any accessible seating because (by definition) you will have designed the best seat algorithm to bias ADA seats as the last to be suggested and you will have guided able-bodied patrons not to pick those seats unless they need them.
- However, having no accessible seats does seem a bit harsh, so we'd recommend keeping at a small reserve of accessible seats on hold till you release all seats to the public before the performance - as we don't think that all people who use accessible seating will be as active on the internet at the proponents of the law might anticipate.