The Sales/Exchanges/Refunds by Date report can be found under the Sales Summary Analysis category. Below the image are detailed notes to help you in using the report.
Click here for information on generating a report. Click here for information on the Finished Report window.
This report has additional criteria options. Click here for more information about the Parameters tab. Click here for more information about the Sort & Subtotal tab. Click here for more information about the Formatting tab.
This report generates a listing of sales, exchanges, and refunds for a given day by type and promotion.
This report is most helpful when cancelling an event that requires refunds or exchanges of tickets into another event. The report can be used as an overview of the organizations cashflow. There are various means to sort the data by:
Box Office | Use this report to review that types of sales, exchanges, and refunds that were done on a certain date. |
It is recommended that this report be run with a date or range of dates as the criteria.
Parameter Field | Condition | Value |
Daily Sales Date | between | (Date) and (Date) |