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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation

Patron Contact Card

The patron Contact Card is accessible without opening a Patron Record from the Contact List window by clicking on the Contact Card icon in the toolbar. It can also be opened once on the Patron Record by double-clicking on any patron name in the Household Member List window

Parts of the Contact Card

Notes Tab

The Notes Tab contains any information which is relevant to the member type. This information can be accessed by clicking the Notes tab in the Membership Detail window.

Parts of the Notes Tab

G/L Account #

Membership, Pass, G/C Details Tab

Most information in the Membership, Pass, G/C Details tab is predetermined during the setup of the Member Type. For more information on:

Transactions Tab

The Transaction Tab displays a listing of transactions that have been created because of the current patron's actions.

Renewal History Tab

For details on Renewing a Membership, Pass, G/C click here.

Redemptions Tab

The Redemptions Tab contains a list of redemptions that have occurred for this membership. It is useful for identifying who - if other than the purchaser - has redeemed admissions or used a portion of this gift certificate. This information can be accessed by clicking the Redemptions tab in the Membership Detail window.

Click here to learn how to Redeem a Membership, Pass, G/C.

Accessing the Mail List Window

To access the Mail List window you perform the following steps:

To access the list of mail lists, you perform the following steps:
  1. Click Setup >> Mail Lists from the main Theatre Manager menu.

    Alternatively, you can select the Mail List button from the Main Theatre Manager toolbar / ribbon bar.

    The Mail List search window opens.

Parameters for Mail Lists Window

Parts of the Criteria for Group from Mailing List Window

Default search or sort order for the selected Parameters.
Inserts the last used criteria for the merge field selected.

3. Select Key Field to Match On

Step 3 of the process is to select the Theatre Manager database field used to locate the existing patron account.


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