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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation

Performance Detail Window

The performance detail window opens when you double click on an existing performance. Through this window you are able to edit performance data. Depending on which sales method is being used you may not have access to some data fields. For example if you are using the festival method you will be allowed to modify the quantity of seats you can sell whereas with reserved seating since every patron requires a seat you cannot access this field.

The tabs available within the Performance Detail window include:

Performance Tab

The Performance Tab is used to create and manage some aspects of the performances that make up an event. Performance information cannot be added (and the tab will not be made available) until the: have both been entered and saved. If a play has already been set up you can access the Performance Tab at any time.

Marketing Tab

In the Marketing tab, you can configure the Marketing notes for the play. You can also add the play to a mail list and include external and internal notes for your Box Office Staff. Information you enter on this page will appear on your page in the Ticket Trove iPhone and iPad app.

Maps Tab

The Map tab allows you to view the current map, with the specific holds being used, for the performance. When you click on a performance on the left, the map for that particular pereformance is displayed on the right.

From this tab, you can

G/L Entries Tab

The G/L Entries tab displays a detailed summary of the transactions created and journalized to the general ledger for the general ledger accounts defined for this play.

Refer to how to balance the event after it closes

Sales Tab

The Sales tab displays a detailed summary of the sales analysis taken in for the event event. Each line displays the NET number of tickets that were sold, the gross sales in dollars, the amount of markups in dollars, the amount of discounts in dollars, the price before tax, the amount of tax in dollars (each tax level is broken out separately), and the net sales. The price before tax is the gross sales + markups - discounts + 3 levels of ticket fees. The Net Sales is the price before tax + 3 levels of taxes.

Attendance Tab

In the Attendance tab you can view the patrons who are attending a performance. As well, you can:
  • Set the attendance the day of the performance - Setting attendance allows you to track which patrons with tickets actually attended the performance.
  • Refund tickets - The refund function is for ease of use if:
    • on the day of the performance a patron decides that they would like to refund their ticket you can do so without having to change windows.

Accounting Tab

The Accounting Tab displays the accounting information for an event. It shows the general ledger accounts set for the event and the applicable taxes applied. As well, when the revenue will be received into the general ledger can be determined.

Verifying Passes, G/Cs and Memberships

This function is for future development. It is currently not an available option in Theatre Manager.

You use Verify to change the setting on sold passes, G/Cs and Memberships to the new settings of that Type. This function should be used only on the recommendation of a support technician in proper authority.

  1. Open the Membership Types window.

    Click here to learn how to access this window.

Pass G/C Types List Window

Through this window you can add, edit, delete, view the details and verify Pass G/C types.


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