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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation

Box Office Tab

Ticket Reservation Display Letters

Letter Display Determine if the price code or the seat code from the Buy Window shows on the seat in the map display.

If you change the setting to or from 'Price Code' and 'Promotion Letter', you will need to verify future performances to change the actual letter display on the map.

Appearance Tab

The Appearance tab contains default text for various areas of Theatre Manager. These fields can be edited to language that best suits the organization. Click on any of the fields in the middle column to edit the text.

The right column contains examples or where the field is used.

Sales Promotions List Window

Sales promotions are used during the ticket purchase process to indicate how the base ticket price is to be altered to arrive at the final ticket price. A sales promotion is a discount, a markup, or a combination of both that is added to a ticket at the time of purchase. A ticket sold at "full" price has a sales promotion that has a no markup and no discount.

Markups and discounts can be percentages or fixed amounts.

Sales Promotion Code Window and Detail Tab

The Sales Promotion Detail window is where you enter new, or edit sales promotions.

The Sales Promotion Code window can be broken into 3 parts:

Volunteer Tab

The Volunteer Tab is used to show which patrons are volunteering for an play. Click Here for more information on setting volunteers.

Parts of the Volunteer Tab

Revenue Tab

This tab displays a detailed summary of the revenue taken in for each performance of an event. The Play is broken down into individual performances.

Below is an explanation about each column on this tab.

Pricing - Price Codes

On the Play/Event Setup Window, price codes are displayed on the right side and are for the currently selected (highlighted) performance. Clicking on the different performances will change the prices seen.

This section is:

Promotion Tab

The promotion tab assigns promotions to a performance. You can assign whatever promotion you want to any performance. A performance could have all available promotions or only specific promotions A performance must have at least one (1) promotion in order to sell tickets to the performance. In order to do this, there must be promotions created already. For detailed information about promotions Click Here.

Event / Play List

You use the Play List window to locate plays or to generate a quick list of events that can be printed.

Parts of the Play List Window


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