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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation

Description Tab

The Description tab of the Theatre Map window is where you enter Contact Information, Theatre Icons for the web and Notes.

Credit Card Swipe

There is a convenient quick-add feature that creates a patron by swiping their credit card. This might be best used during the admittance process for Auctions. The process works as follows:

Guest Checkout for Web Sales

Enabling Guest Checkout for online sales means that the patron:
  • Can buy online and add items (tickets, gift certificates/passes, donations) to their cart
  • Begin the checkout process
  • The web sales process will ask them if they want to:
    • Log in to a previously created account using their email/password. This attaches the cart to an existing full profile patron.

Best Seat Search Tab

Using the Best Seat Settings tab, you can create a list of sections for patron's to choose from on your website.

Using the seats you have defined, the patrons find the best seats in their preferred section. This is particularly practical when there is tiered pricing. Patrons do not have to keep looking for seats to find ones in the pricing section they desire.

Facility Calendar Types

Calendar Types are set in new Tasks as they are inserted into the Calendar in Facility Managment. There are "permanent" system Calendar Types built into Theatre Manager.

Facility Calendar Types are built-in codes you do not have to set up. While you cannot change the meaning of each of these, you can change the description to something more meaningful to your organization.

Volunteer Activity

The types of activities your organization's volunteers engage in can be set up, assigned and tracked by Theatre Manager. This page shows you how to set up those activity types.

Refer to the video help on volunteer management for more information.

Match Tab

The Match tab allows you to indicate that a particular patron record is that of a Matching Gift Company.

Merging Patrons Into Same Person

The Merge button on the patron list window gives you the option of combining the highlighted patrons:

Profile Tab

This tab provides a place to save some more personal information about the patron

Patron Tab

This tab gives a brief overview of the patrons financial history with the company.

Parts of the Patron Tab


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