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  • References include accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive information
  • Tutorials and How-To guides are led by needs of the user, Reference material is led by the product it describes
  • Although reference should not attempt to show how to perform tasks, it can and often needs to include a description of how something works or the correct way to use it
  • Examples of Reference material are Dictionaries, Encyclopedias or Glossaries
  • Software examples of Reference material are API documentation, class documentation or function documentation


Notifications are part of the Facility Management module. They are different from the similarly named workflow notifications.

When you look at the Calendar, they show the time, task title & participant(s), and they show the participant status.

Status can be set by the user (that is, you talk to the person and they confirm) or the task can be sent to the patron via email.

Code Table Options

The pages that follow provide specific details about the various options available inside Code Tables.

Tabs In Events / Plays and Dates

This section describes the various information tabs in the Events and Dates window. Tabs that are critical for event setup are described under Creating An Event / Play.

Course Level

Course Levels must be set up in Setup> > System Tables >>Code Tables before they can be used in Courses and Report Cards.

For information about editing values in Code Tables, click here.

Report Card Templates

Before Report Cards can be assigned or used in the Courses module, you need to set up the Report Card Templates in Setup >> System Tables >> Report Card Templates. Please click here for instructions on setting up a template to use with Report Cards.

Course Tab

Report Cards

On the right side of the Courses Tab, Report Cards issued for a Course are displayed. For more information about Report Cards, click here.


Class dates

On the left side of the Courses Tab, Class Dates and information are displayed.

PCI Security Tab

The PCI Security tab allows the Master User to set the overall parameters of how Employees will log on to the database, the structure of their passwords, and important PCI Compliance considerations for managing retention of credit card data.

Course Attendance Reasons

Course Attendance Reasons must be setup in Setup > >System Tables >> Code Tables before they can be used in Courses.

The field settings are:

Course Report Card Ratings

Just like Categories, Report Card Ratings have to be defined in Code Tables before they can be used. Go to Setup>>System Tables>>Code Tables to find Report Card Ratings and assign values to it.

For instructions on assigning values to Code Tables, click here.

Course Report Card Categories

Report Card Categories also have to be setup before Report Cards can be used. Go to Setup>>System Tables>>Code Tables to find Report Card Categories and assign values to it.

For information about editing values in Code Tables, click here.


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