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Direct Link to Performance

Subscribe to Syndicate[&tmsource=yyyyyy]


Parameters are:

  • tmsource=yyyyyy (optional) where yyyyyy is a tracking code that is placed on any cart for tracking the source of the referral.
  • performance=xx - The link above will go directly to selling a performance (bypassing the event selection - per the example below). The unique performance number will replace the "xx" in the link. To find the performance number:
    • Click Setup >> Events.
    • Click the button to populate the Event List.
    • Double-click an Event to open it.
    • In the Event Setup Window, select the Performance Tab to see the list of Performances for that Event.
    • Locate the second left column, labeled Perf #

      This column displays the unique performance number for each performance of the Event. Replace the "xx" in the link above with the desired performance number to create a direct link to the performance.


Example of page for Direct Link To Performance