Replication is a feature of postgres and is automatically set up for cloud venues. Self service venues may set this up if they wish - the support team is unable to help you.
The data is replicating from the main server to the hot standby periodically as per the frequency that you set in the
archive_timeout parameter. If there is a change to the main database, it should appear in the hot standby very shortly after that.
You can go to the replication folder and see that new files appear once a minute and old ones go away.
cd /Library/PostgreSQL/9.6/archive
ls -la (to see a list of recovery files).
The file names will be very long with digits in them. The name of them will also increase numerically.
For example:
- 000000010000000000000055 will have as the next file 000000010000000000000056 - about 60 seconds later or whatever time period you set in the archive_timeout command
- Eventually 000000010000000000000055 will disappear as it is processed by the hot standby
- Generally, on the server, there should be only a few of these files (5 to 10). if there are more, the server may be a little busy. If they do not decrease, replication is not working right or the server is overloaded.
- and the above will repeat.