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Refund Management

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When a decision to cancel an event is made, there are lots of moving pieces to manage. The box office is focused on how to handle patrons who have purchased tickets to the cancelled event. Take a moment to decide on the best practice for the organization before starting any exchanges or refunds.

Things to consider when facing overwhelming task of managing large amount of ticket transactions for patrons:

  • Is there another event in the season to exchange into?
  • What is the organization policy when an event is cancelled?
  • Offer Refunds in the form of:
    • Convert to a donation
    • Convert to a Pass/Gift Certificate
    • Back to credit card
    • Issue a cheque from the organization
  • Are there season subscribers or single ticket buyers with multiple events remaining in the season to refund?

Refunding patrons with multiple events like season subscribers is a good place to start. These patrons can be further divided into refund sub groups for en mass refunding:

  • Donation
  • Gift Certificate
  • Cheque Request
  • Credit Card