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Example donation quicklink within TM

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This example shows 3 donation buttons placed inside your web pages at the top of the event list. Using this concept, these could be placed anywhere and would be themed to look like your web pages.

The example code is below the image

Sample code placed in tmTicketCustomPatronInstructions.html

While the code below could be placed anywhere in an appropriate web page file in Theatre Managers 'WePages' folder, the following was added to TMtemplates/tmTicketCustomPatronInstructions.html as an existing convenient way to place buttons at the top of the event list. Other good places to add donation buttons are:

  • TMtemplates/tmCheckoutExtraMessagesEmail.html which is used by the confirmation email and typically has nothing in it.
  • TMtemplates/tmCartEmpty.html which is displayed when the shopping cart is empty. For this situation, we'd suggest leaving the destination page as the cart.
  • TMtemplates/rowCartDonationSuggestion.html which is displayed on the cart window suggesting that people make a donation - and in this case, you could add some 'quickdonation' options to make it easier for the patron. For this situation, we'd suggest leaving the destination page as the cart.

The TMtemplates/tmTicketCustomPatronInstructions.html file is used in all event lists and normally has nothing in it.

<div class="alert alert-warning fade in">
   <!--#include virtual="TMtemplates/tmMessageDismiss.html" -->
   Please consider a donation to the theatre during this time of need. All donations are tax deductible.

   <a class="btn btn-info btn-sm" href="<field>F_HTML_FIREWALL</field>login?donationquick=1&amount=50.00&param=altbtn=btnCheckout&tmsource=sometag">
   <i class="fa fa-usd">
   50 one time

   <a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" href="<field>F_HTML_FIREWALL</field>login?donationquick=1&amount=250.00&param=altbtn=btnCheckout&tmsource=sometag">
   <i class="fa fa-usd">
   250 one time

   <a class="btn btn-success btn-sm" href="<field>F_HTML_FIREWALL</field>login?donationquick=1&amount=10.00&param=altbtn=btnCheckout&frequency=1&has tmsource=sometag">
   <i class="fa fa-usd">
   10 a month - I'd like to give a little for a little longer
