The word processing (form letter) module has a number of features common to most word processing software including a spell checker, merging of fields, tables, etc. It is also the foundation for creating what-you-see-is-what-you-get email blasts. You can see a sample on this page.
The Word Processor
- has a number similarities with common word processors.
- Documents can be viewed in Page Layout, Normal, and Field modes.
- The rulers allow the placing of tabs and setting of indents and paper margins.
- Text boxes, pictures and tables have numerous formatting options allowing the creation of more sophisticated documents.
- Theatre Manager data fields can be placed directly into the document, allowing you to personalize mailings and include patron-specific information in large mail merges.
- Document templates can be created for ease of use.
- The Find and Replace function is capable of searching and replacing based on text, styles, paragraphs, text formatting options, or any combination of this list.
- The spell checker is capable of checking as words are typed and will underline misspelled words in red. Simple context menus will show suggestions as to the appropriate spelling.
Other features include the Label Writer allowing address labels to be printed from database information, and a PDF Generator.
Quick Reference information (Quick Reference Guides, Cheatsheets and Videos) is available for some Form letter functionalty. Click here to access the Form Letter specific links.