The View menu is used for adjusting the view of the letter in the Form Letter Window.
Normal | The Normal command displays normal view (active when checked), to display page breaks as horizontal lines, and to not display headers and footers. |
Page Layout | The Page command displays page layout view (active when checked), to display a document as it will print. The page outline, text, margins, headers, footers and objects display in their actual size and position. |
Fit Window | This sets the Form Letter window to Fit Window view. This view sets the zoom size of the letter to fit the size of the window. |
Use Centimeters | This converts the ruler from inches to centimeters. If it says "use centimeters" then inches are currently in use. |
Hide Rulers | This turns on or off the rulers in the Form Letter window. If it says "hide rulers" then rulers are currently visible. |