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Theatre Manager is a software package that assists with the busy administrative operations of a theatre venue, sports facility or arts organization. Theatre Manager's true focus is to support your marketing efforts - to help you capture and manage demographic information and present it in a way to grow revenue. Our customers tell us that Theatre Manager helps them to be successful.
Theatre Manager provides all the necessary controls to track patrons, sell and print tickets on high volume ticket printers, offer online sales, manage donations, schedule volunteers, create mail lists, handle accounting and assist with most of the administrative tasks that you will ever do.
Some of the many administrative tasks supported are as follows:
- Professional ticketing on ticket printers
- Client Demographic Tracking and comprehensive utilization of
that information with:
- Records of tickets, subscriptions, donations, personnel, media, memberships,
and financials
- Powerful, intelligent report generation.
- Form letter generation - realizing marketing potential and development activities through centralized data access.
- Modularity (Buy only the power you need)
- Full installation, training, and support of the Theatre Manager software for Windows and Macintosh platforms
- Multi-user access enabling Theatre Manager to be the heart of your information system
- Automatic Credit Card Authorization through online Payment Gateway options. This features saves time and money by expediting the point of sale process, while providing detailed information for your end of day reconciliation.
Other Features and Benefits
Box Office Management
- User defined graphic theatre seat maps
- Seating arrangements are easily changed
- Simple point-and-click seat sales
- Full screen view of theatre
- Pictorial management of "house dressing"
- True "best available seating" for patron
- Supports patron defined season packages ("flex" packages)
- Fast booking of multiple tickets for multiple shows
- Reserved, festival (General Admission) and streamlined 'at door' sales
- Flexible marketing of multiple theatres and shows
- Use of online or Box Office 'coupons' for discounts
- Social media marketing and tracking
- Comprehensive reporting
- Patron oriented Front of House reporting
- Up-to-the-minute house counts
- Access and egress control using scanner technology
- Control of cash flow
- Point of sale printing of tickets
- Customizable ticket designs which can be reused, or differentiated for each event
- Flexibility in ticket face design using standardized FGL data
Patron Management
- Personal demographic data
- Multiple addresses, phone numbers, email addresses - and controllable scheduled changes of address (summer/winter)
- Interaction with patron is personalized
- Relational database design
- Shared data for all users
- Integrated operations for your company
- Multiple mail lists and contact groups
- Flexible patron classification for mailings
- User definable marketing fields
- Ability to segment and analyze sales data to create effective
marketing campaigns
- Incorporation of online analytical tools for tracking (i.e. Google Analytics)
Volunteer (Staff) Management
- Volunteer activity classification
- Management of interest in various jobs
- Creation of job specific contact lists and mail-outs
- Identification of corporate staffing strengths/weaknesses
- Volunteer evaluation tracking
- Historical view of volunteer growth and career
- Simplified production of cast/crew lists
- Tracking for service achievement award recognition
- Quantifiable statistics for the pursuit of grants
Donations Management
- Filing of each donation
- Annual corporate and individual donation statistics
- Donation receipt generation for single payment and annual summaries
- Donor classification by donor type and amount
- Pledge schedule management and automatic billing
- Tailored fundraising appeals
- Full integration with the GL
- Donations at time of ticket sale
- Ticket refunds converted to donations
- Matching gifts
- Soft Credits
- Creation of the program insert data for the playbill
Membership Management
- Track renewals and expirations
- Target marketing
- Current and potential member listings
- Simplify communications with members
Gift Certificates and Passes
- Track sales of gift certificates and passes
- Automatic creation of GL entries for redemption of gift
certificates and passes for tickets
- Track when passes or gift certificates are completely used
and prevent using beyond their maximum value
- Allows tracing back who bought the pass or gift
certificate and who used it
Press and Publicity
- Media list requirements
- Manage lead time for press releases, PSA's,etc.
- Manage press by community and type
- Maintain history of media people contacts
- Staff access control
- Access based upon administrative responsibility
- Seats can only be sold for specified prices
- Salesperson recorded for each ticket sold or transaction
- Transaction log of who has done what to the data
User Interface
- Graphic based
- Intuitive controls leads to reduced learning time and ongoing training
- Helps understanding of presented information
- Mouse based
Multi-user Database
- Simultaneous shared data among all staff
- Data integrity guaranteed
- Easy to add additional users
- Easily archived data from year to year or season by

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