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Example donation quicklink outside TM commerce pages

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This example shows 3 donation links placed in a web page. Using this concept, you can place them anywhere on any web site you want, such as you main marketing web site, facebook, any marketing partner, etc.

Three sample links are shown below that you can click on followed by the example web page in yellow.

Note: the web page looks very plain because all stylesheet information has been removed for clarity. You may need to add your own style sheets to create buttons like the example code within Theatre Managers event list


Sample code placed a web page

The code below is a complete web page - including the head and body tags. You would only want to copy the links to place them into any of your existing web code such as facebook or wordpess sites

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
Asking for a donation on a simple web page
Sample web page snippet asking for a donation. The links below have not been enhanced with any stylesheet themes
<a href="https:∕∕" target="_blank">
Donate $50 one time
<a href="https:∕∕" target="_blank">
Donate $250 one time
<a href="https:∕∕" target="_blank">
Donate $10 a month - a little for a lot