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Peer Review

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Peer reviews are a necessary part of improving our development process. They need not be overly complex or complicated. A peer review of you code changes is required for any code that is written to deal with sensitive data (credit cards, etc.). Peer review may also be required for a number of other reasons, including but not limited to changes to any code that works with or stores credit card data.


The size and scope of the peer review process is dictated by the scope of code changes. Altering a line of code to fix an issue does not necessarily merit a code review. Introducing new functionality or altering the user experience of the product on the other hand should require a code review.

Persons involved

At a minimum your code needs to be reviewed by one of the senior developers. If your code changes impact more than a single area then an architect needs to review it. If your code impacts the database schema then an architect needs to review it. Any time there is a change to code that handles track data or credit card numbers; it needs to be reviewed by a senior developer.

Security and Protected Classes

Any time your code changes involve the use credit card data, encryption or decryption and/or any of the protected classes, these changes should be discussed with an architect before, and reviewed by an architect afterwards to ensure the highest level of adherence to coding best practices. The TM coding practices specifically addresses how sensitive data is to be dealt with in the Studio Code. OWASP practices specifically address tests for web objects.

Hand Inspection

A peer review can take many forms. For particularly important code, a 'hand inspection' of the code may be required. Normal code walkthroughs involve explaining the purpose of code segments and object classes. A hand inspection is when a second party actually steps through the new code to verify assumptions, parameters, values, comments and alter boundary conditions to simulate odd or unpredictable cases and attempt to identify unforseen defects.

Review Approval

The approval of a code review results in a the development build and forwarding to QA for testing. This also generates entries in the upcoming release notes which are build as each development release is built. An entry in the release notes constitutes approval of the development build.