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Theatre Manager incompatibility with the Database Schema Version

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You may receive a message similar to the one on the right that indicates:
  • the database version is older than the application
  • the database must be updated before you can continue

When you see this message, you will need to check that the TM Server has finished the auto-update process. Basically, it means you got a newer version of Theatre Manager before the TM Server was finished adding some new database fields to the database.

Updating the database may involve one of the following:

  • Making sure that the TM Server is set to auto update
  • Opening the TM server to start an update
  • Restarting the TM Server if it happens to be stuck in the middle of the auto update
  • or calling Arts Management if none of the above work
If you receive this message for a training database, it probably means that your have no TM server setup for your training database.

You may wish to put a TM server on a spare workstation to keep a training database up to date.