The ability to customize a report allows the user to modify the layout of the report to better benefit their organization. Below is a picture of the Report Customization window.

- When starting to work with the layout, make sure that all sections have been expanded. The individual sections can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the blue arrow
- The fields that are on the report are not editable. However, a field can be made invisible by selecting it and unchecking the visible option on the left hand side.
- Any of the text field boxes can be moved by dragging with the mouse. The position can then be fine tuned by using the Properties section on the left hand side of the window.
- To add additional text to the report, select the ABC
icon from the toolbox and draw a new text field on the report. Then double click on the new text field to edit the text. A text entry box will appear.
- Each section bar (the gray bar) can be moved up or down to decrease or increase the size allowed for a section. This is useful if the information when printed is cut off anywhere. Simply move the gray bar down to allow more space for the section.